Why Ilhan in the USA? She does not belong here and she has nothing nice to say about America. American is not her culture. People who elected her are Muslims so people need to be careful the next time. Come out in numbers, and first throw her out of of govt bodies, we can then send her or her corps home 😟
Isn’t she the one who married her brother? So sad she takes up space in our beautiful America! Guess she thought she and her communist party could rule America. Never! You lost stupid bitch!!!
Deport, right along with AOC ! Then all of the view too!and to all the people who said they would leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected…….. Well get the F out! Bye bye….. Buh buy!!!
Only the ones who voted for you sweetheart.
She is a stupit hypocrite ! a big liar ! Shame on her !!!!
Who gives a tinkers damn about that nasty EVIL godless freak she needs to be knocked in the head thrown into a ditch covered and totally forgotten forever!!!!! Just a nasty pile of MUZSLIME 💩
That raghead should be deported back to Somalia, pronto. She obviously hates America.
You are so right brother
Ilham must throw out of our country. together with Obama, both Muslim
Yes, Obummer is a Muslim too.
INTERESTING that the Minnesota state flag of Ilhan’s home state has a resemblance to the flag of Somalia; Ilhan’s home country.
Her comment about stupid Americans indicates that she doesn’t regard herself as an American. Shameful! Then leave!
If this skank hates America so much, deport her forthwith. She will not be missed!
I wonder if she has looked in the mirror lately
She is nothing but a Slimy Sack of Somalian Cock Roach Shit. WOTHLESS POS
“A Skinny talks shit” words of a mogadishu wannbe !
ship this bag back
She is a useless piece of feces. Moron.
She should crawl into the Samali swap she crawled out of!!!!
This skank and her husband brother need to be deported back to Somalia.
Why Ilhan in the USA? She does not belong here and she has nothing nice to say about America. American is not her culture. People who elected her are Muslims so people need to be careful the next time. Come out in numbers, and first throw her out of of govt bodies, we can then send her or her corps home 😟
Isn’t she the one who married her brother? So sad she takes up space in our beautiful America! Guess she thought she and her communist party could rule America. Never! You lost stupid bitch!!!
Deport, right along with AOC ! Then all of the view too!and to all the people who said they would leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected…….. Well get the F out! Bye bye….. Buh buy!!!