speak for yourself MADCOW… This dyk is hanging on by her claws to whatever is left of her sht career. The country does not like HER. She is fading fast. Maybe needs to open a gay bar where she and her ilk can drown their sorrows.
These stories are jus t more of the rehashed claim by the Democrats that Republicans want to throw Grandma off a cliff with all these cuts. The point is that cuts need to be made, and they did them across the board without the benefit of a deep dive on everything. Mistakes will be made and can be corrected, but in the meantime money is not being shoveled out the door on ridiculous boondoggles instituted primarily for fraud and money laundering for the benefit of leftist donors.
Doug, I agree. These cuts need to be made. A lot of money is being wasted on countries that hate the USA. Ridiculous amounts of money have been wasted on New Green Scam insanity; charging stations for battery powered cars that most folks don’t want, solar farms, huge, ugly inefficient windmills, battery powered car rebates, etc, etc.
Unfortunately, due to POLITICS, Trump doesn’t have the luxury of going about this slower and letting attrition and hiring slow-downs relieve the overstaffed government.
That’s why the American people don’t want fake news who wants to listen to Lies they will never learn until they are out of business.
Is she talking about Joe Biden?
speak for yourself MADCOW… This dyk is hanging on by her claws to whatever is left of her sht career. The country does not like HER. She is fading fast. Maybe needs to open a gay bar where she and her ilk can drown their sorrows.
She sure does sport an ADAMS APPLE like you wouldn’t believe. AMERICA does not want news from FREAKS and WEIRDOS!
Besides it’s all LIES
What a FAG
These stories are jus t more of the rehashed claim by the Democrats that Republicans want to throw Grandma off a cliff with all these cuts. The point is that cuts need to be made, and they did them across the board without the benefit of a deep dive on everything. Mistakes will be made and can be corrected, but in the meantime money is not being shoveled out the door on ridiculous boondoggles instituted primarily for fraud and money laundering for the benefit of leftist donors.
Doug, I agree. These cuts need to be made. A lot of money is being wasted on countries that hate the USA. Ridiculous amounts of money have been wasted on New Green Scam insanity; charging stations for battery powered cars that most folks don’t want, solar farms, huge, ugly inefficient windmills, battery powered car rebates, etc, etc.
Unfortunately, due to POLITICS, Trump doesn’t have the luxury of going about this slower and letting attrition and hiring slow-downs relieve the overstaffed government.
So he’s utilizing the GET ‘ER DONE approach.
kawhy is this man still on the air this is not news its just a leftist marxist propaganda vehicle fire this man
Madcow is historically unpopular. Why does anyone listen to this idiot?