What a bunch of assfuks. What, for a free lunch. And you say that Trump is being bought by Russia? Everyone in that crowd were bought by the communist party aka soros, sorry I’m not buying this shit. KEEP ON DESTROYING YOUR OWN PARTY, AND MAKING THE USA LOOK LIKE ASSES (WHICH YOU ARE!)
Any GOP holding a rally or Town Hall needs to announce any NON-constiuent is nott welcome andif they come they will be turned away. Also if any sneak in, they will be ID’d. If not a constituent, they will arrested and charged with Federal tresspass andf face some prison time. The GOP gathering needs to have at least 2 guards at the ready.
If possible, the GOP should work with local law enforcement and local FBI such that these scumbags find FAFO is now the rule.
If they want to protest outside. Let the media know that none of the external protesters are constituents but paid Democrat operatives – much like the Brown Shirts from Hitler’s Germany.
Nothing better than the woke radical anarchists to unite the people for America first.
What a bunch of assfuks. What, for a free lunch. And you say that Trump is being bought by Russia? Everyone in that crowd were bought by the communist party aka soros, sorry I’m not buying this shit. KEEP ON DESTROYING YOUR OWN PARTY, AND MAKING THE USA LOOK LIKE ASSES (WHICH YOU ARE!)
Any GOP holding a rally or Town Hall needs to announce any NON-constiuent is nott welcome andif they come they will be turned away. Also if any sneak in, they will be ID’d. If not a constituent, they will arrested and charged with Federal tresspass andf face some prison time. The GOP gathering needs to have at least 2 guards at the ready.
If possible, the GOP should work with local law enforcement and local FBI such that these scumbags find FAFO is now the rule.
If they want to protest outside. Let the media know that none of the external protesters are constituents but paid Democrat operatives – much like the Brown Shirts from Hitler’s Germany.
We must expose these hypocrits!!!