Gutfeld: Dems are trying to cover this fact up



No balz walz is an embarrassment to the human race. Being a lifelong Minnesotan, I live in a place that is unrecognizable from the one I grew up in.

Tampons in the boys’ restroom? Makes me wonder how they are supposed to use it. THAT IS PLAIN SICK!


  1. Almighty God’s Good News for the earth and everyone living on the earth! Does Almighty God have a Name? Yes. AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. Jehovah IS Almighty God’s Holy Name. His Name is in the original Scriptures more than 7,000 times. In His mightiness he can intervene at will in human affairs, maneuvering rulers or eliminating them, making his prophetic revelations prove infallible. (Da 2:20-23) Biblical history recounts the futile efforts of powerful kings with their astute counselors pitting their wisdom against God, and it highlights the way he has triumphantly vindicated his servants who loyally proclaimed his message. Isa 31:2; 44:25-28; compare Job 12:12, 13. Almighty Jehovah God IS infallible; which means that He is incapable of making mistakes. This is why He is God and why He has existed forever and will exist forever so that He can guarantee everlasting life to His faithful servants. This Bible text shows what is required of us; Be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.—Rom. 12:2. How often do you clean your home? Perhaps before you first moved in you scoured it thoroughly. But what if you neglected it afterward? As you know, dust and dirt can accumulate quickly. To keep your home presentable, you need to clean it regularly. A similar ongoing effort is required when it comes to our thinking and our personality. Of course, before getting baptized we worked hard to make necessary changes in our life in order to “cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit.” (2 Cor. 7:1) Now we need to follow the apostle Paul’s counsel to “continue to be made new.” (Eph. 4:23) The dust and dirt of this world can quickly accumulate in us. To avoid that outcome and to remain presentable to Jehovah, we must regularly examine our thinking, our personality, and our desires. Almighty Jehovah God created man with a free will which means that He gave us the right to make our own decisions. When we make good decisions that makes Him happy. When we make bad decisions that saddens Him. Why? Because we are His children and He loves us. For those who have children of their own, you know exactly what that means. I married my childhood sweet heart when we were 18. We had three children; one boy and two girls. The oldest girl smoked heavily before learning the Truth and stopping but her early smoking badly damaged her lungs and she died during the first part of the covid plandemic. My son was a rebel. Would not accept corrections under any circumstance and started using drugs before he left high school. He died of an overdose in 2004. My youngest daughter learned the Truth and is serving Jehovah faithfully till now. The pain of having children in this Satan ruled system of things is real. That pain is soon to end. Shortly, Satan will be locked into a state of inaction while the resurrection of those worthy of being resurrected return to us. Does that mean that some who have lived and died will NOT be resurrected to live again? What would be the point of resurrecting Hitler or Stalin or those who have had direct contact with Satan and served Satan willingly? We have been notified that the Great Tribulation is VERY close! When that starts, the door to salvation will be much harder to open! If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.

  2. The problem is that this is just so crazy the Democrats are denying it on TV and getting away with it! The Democrats are lucky to fall into these kinds of opportunities. Republicans need to concentrate on that Walz kept
    offered help to put out the protestor’s fires by several neighboring entities
    for reasons he has never explained, or even be asked about. Come on
    Republicans! Do your homework and get on it. There is more to winning than asking for money all the time!

  3. Adrin Vance you are absolutely correct. Stop asking for money and do your job. Don’t do as the democrats do, ask for money and do nothing. It is time for patriots to take back our beloved America and remove all democrats.

  4. I agree all they do is ask for money. They will ask for you to do a survey and you fill it out and then they ask for money and your survey won’t go through unless you donate. So they aren’t interested in what I have to say if I can’t send it through without donating. So I am done. I will vote for Trump when voting starts but I don’t want anymore emails asking for money


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