Fox News EMBARRASSES Kamala After She REFUSES to Debate TRUMP


Sky News host Rita Panahi has questioned “just how woke” Kamala Harris is. “The real Kamala, we know she’s woke, but just how woke is she?” Ms Panahi said. “In an interview with a glamour magazine, she explained what caused her to be so woke.”


Can Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump in a debate?

If she is so sure she could beat him, why doesn’t she agree? She is such a terrible liar!


  1. The fact that candidates have to be concerned about media bias when agreeing to a debate is a clear sign that the media in this country has outlived its usefulness. In a truly free society with an objective media, it shouldn’t matter who hosts the debate – everything should remain fair and impartial, and the questions should be tough for both candidates. For the Harris camp to claim that she wouldn’t receive fair treatment on Fox completely ignores the fact that Trump has never received fair treatment on any of her chosen outlets. I’m not sure what the answer is here, the deck is stacked against Trump, and that’s the way the Democrats, and the media, intend to keep it. To be honest, any American with half a brain doesn’t need a debate to see that Harris is an incompetent airhead who has no business being anywhere near Washington (or, for that matter, Sacramento). Her (in)actions not only now, but for the last four years, are all the proof we need as to what she’s (in)capable of. Anyone who’s still on the fence should probably refrain from voting this time around, for the good of all of us.

  2. 🐪(a) is a friggin LOSER! The reason the Democraps picked her so they can lead her around with a bridal in they do in the desert. She does more stumbling than Biden. Between her pick for VP is a joke, he couldn’t stop a one man funeral just like he couldn’t stop the riots and damage done in his own state. The country doesn’t need 2 do nothings running our country!

  3. This is ludicrous. The fact that Trump refused to debate Harris and then requested a debate hosted by a biased right-wing group just shows his stupidity.

    I am so surprised at the number of people who think he will do anything for us. He did nothing before except to cause trouble.

    I would love to see a debate between them. He has no language other than vulgarity, no substance, and is now a convicted felon. Lock him up and throw away the key!


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