FINALLY! Trump BLACKMAIL scheme EXPOSED | ‘Ukraine will be DESTROYED’ worries US Pentagon!



That money needs to be paid back to American people now.

No more money to Ukrain or any other country PERIOD!


  1. Once again, Congress has failed to do their jobs, and the White House has been stealing trillions from Americans, and sadly, some of that is coming back to the deceitful which we know is unlawful. Oh, that’s right, the DOJ, CIA and FBI, etc. have their hands out as well. Not one person with any integrity to be found.

  2. Trump: Here I come to save the day! (to the Mighty Mouse music). If we can just hold on until Jan. 20th! Biden can still do a lot of damage as well as his thugs/hitmen.

  3. No more fkg money to continue a war, that can’t be won, quit stealing American tax payers money that we need here. This mentally deficient president, and administration bankrupting Americans, funding a war that can’t be won. The Congress needs to get it together, and get shit done and working, we can’t worry about Ukraine, when we are also the target, WTF is wrong u fkg stupid leaders, oh, what leaders? lol We are on the verge of WW3, and a braindead biden is antagonizing Putin, and obstructing Israel, this administration is the danger that needs checking.

  4. The Ukraine/Russia war was instigated by Globalist bankers and the CIA trying to Crash the Russian economy. while risking the crash of our own. Make the money move is the first commandment of Banking, in this case from the US taxpayer to the suspect government of Ukraine, on one bounce much of it ending up in the coffers of Soros, Black Rock, Vanguard etcetera. Borrow the money at great interest to blow Ukraine up, then borrow more at even higher interest to build it back up, or pretend to anyway.


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