EXCLUSIVE: Trump tells Glenn Beck who’s REALLY running the country – and it isn’t Biden or Harris



MY BROTHER who despised Trump for the last 10 years, is voting for Trump, in ILLINOIS

I’m a senior citizen and I have to show ID to buy a bottle of wine! Not to mention go to a new doctor, open a bank account, register my car, get stopped by a cop, cash a check, etc., etc. Why are we allowing a few politicians to rile people up about showing ID to vote? Let’s get back to business – ID to vote and paper ballots and if you want a mail in ballot you have to request it because this mass mailing of ballots is highly fallible.


  1. Dopey ol’ Joe was never in control. He’s a brain-dead puppet. Cackling Kammy will be too if (God forbid) she wins the election.

  2. Devilcrats won’t vote for Trump, because they have lost their common sense. I don’t know a single devilcrat, who doesn’t lose their mind, when I talk about how things were much better when Trump was president. They’ve been brainwashed by CNN, MSDNC and the rest of media to hate Trump. It’s the media that we should all hate.

  3. And of course you believe everything that walking lie tells you.

    Over 30,000 confirmed lies during his term in office, and he’s cheated on all THREE of his wives, and cheated his “university” students, but you go ahead, you believe that that convicted felon cares about you.

  4. Every time I pull up to the gas pump I think about Obama, Biden, Comrade Harris..every time I check to see if I have enough money left to buy something to eat at the grocery store..I think of democrats..when I nearly have to get a dam bank loan just to pay my car insurance I think about these three communist pukes..every thing was better 4 years ago..so I am voting for the man who turned this country around and every thing was just fine until the crooked stolen presidential election when Obama took back over with his Biden puppet and is trying again with puppet number 2 …comrade Harris..don’t listen to promises..why promise do it now..unless it is a lie..which it is

  5. The only truth teller is Trump. His honesty is what sustains us as a nation. If we didn’t have him to keep us on the straight and narrow, our cause would be lost. From my point of view, he is the most honest, least racist, most successful, tallest, thinnest, most Christian person in history.

    My diploma from Trump University has led me to my current wealth. I have also been able to contribute generously to his charities. I am the proud holder of a complete set of NFT cards of Trump. And I’m currently wearing a pair of gold basketball shoes, while I ponder how much more Trump Media stock I should purchase. I have several copies of Trump bibles featuring Lee Greenwood, and I can’t stop admiring the Trump medals I was able to procure online.

    I think I’ll send him my entire social security check to help him get through any of the legal witch hunts that have victimized him. It’s very necessary because he has been a victim his entire life, and that is a crying shame.


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