Every NYC Subway Store is Closing… Over Crime


The NYC Subway is home to many a shopping center, but these are now 75% vacant as businesses flee and stores shut down. Some blame remote work and online shopping for the demise of NYC’s subway malls, but perhaps there’s another reason…


Legalize theft up to $1000, prosecute law abiding citizens trying to prevent theft, keep electing mentally challenged politicians. What could possibly go wrong?

Crime overall isn’t down, prosecution is!


  1. If Eric wants to reduce crime in NYC he should resign and NY can try to elect a more capable Mayor. Same goes for the governor.

  2. I was born and raised in New York City. I moved out 10 years ago and every time I read stories such as this, I honestly get sick to my stomach. I lived through many situations but this is crime at its worst! Something or/and someone is to blame! It very sad that these hard core scumbag criminals are running the show!

  3. Crime is bad in the NYC subway, but that opening photo is NOT in NYC. It doesn’t even look like it’s in the US. I bet most folks didn’t even catch that false information used as click bait.

  4. Hi – I realized, the photo was NOT a NYC subway. If crime is that
    bad on the subways. Put more police underground.
    Also, put police on stations these perpetrators are entering the
    subway system. As a teenager, I was robbed on a Brooklyn
    Subway station, I fought back and went home with a black eye.
    Increase the penalty for robbery to minimum of 10 years in
    in prison!

  5. Crime in ALL cities run by Democrats is rampant !! The hollyweird stars who still support Democrat are getting robbed now !!
    Don’t feel sorry for citizens in Democrat run cities !! You get what you vote for ! And you prove your stupidity by continuing to vote for communist Democrats

    • You are correct; I don’t understand why people continue to vote for Democrats who don’t care for anyone in the blue states. If anyone votes for Kamala, don’t expect anything to change; it will only get worse.

      • People who vote for Camala Harris and Democrats they are asking for number of criminals to increase , drugs to pour inside United states , illegals and mentally sick people to enter United States and kill our children. If you are stupid to vote for Democrats without listening to real true news, then you deserve what you are getting.

      • Simple really, they were indoctrinated in grade/high school where they became “social justice warriors” which is exactly the same thing as useful idiots. These have been turned out by the tens of thousands by the teachers union and they’re generally anti American. Brain dead about covers it.

  6. It’s a terrible thing to allow such an infestation of crime on the subways that it causes businesses to shut down. I guess that it’ll stay that way until they vote for people that will prosecute the perpetrators. If people weren’t given a free pass there’d be much less crime. Maybe stop wasting tax dollars to prosecute a political ideology and prosecute real crime instead. Just a thought!!

    • Wow ! You be racist??😂😂
      Dem poor people has ta eat too!! And Dem Democrat cities is fine !! Get arrested, get slap on wrist by lib judge and go out and rob another store!! No problem ! We can’t go to Red State and do that !! We will end up in jail.
      Vote Democrat!! This is what you voted for !! Suck it up !!

  7. I can’t wait until NYC chases all businesses out. The biggest ghost town on earth.🤣🤣🤣 They deserve every moment of the collapse.

    • I was thinking the same, essentially anti-business, but people seem to like it.
      It’s government through consent of the governed.
      I appreciate the video about the subway system and the crime that’s chasing businesses out of the New York subway system, but the idea of confronting the problem and dealing with it seems to be entirely foreign, and I think the video actually addressed this, that there won’t be change, but accommodation, essentially window dressing, such as hanging art work to cover up the devastation.
      This is reminding of the last days of the Soviet Union, with increasing dysfunction, eventually leading to collapse, chaos, and emergence of a new ruling class.

  8. They might as well remove the turnstiles, or else put in actual gates which can’t be jumped, since likely it’s the criminals who are jumping the turnstiles.
    They could easily identify turnstyle jumpers through surveillance, and issue citations and fines.
    Rather than money, people would work off their citations, cleaning restrooms in the subway system, if it has restrooms.
    I’m not personally acquainted with the layout of the subway system if it has restrooms or not, but they could have portable restrooms, and those could serve as a substitute.
    Criminals would work off bail, no more cash bail, but working cleaning restrooms, picking up trash and garbage, and cleaning up New York.
    Crimes start small and get bigger as there are bigger opportunities.

  9. and again you can thank the democrats
    joe and kamala
    and their gang of thieves
    and it’s only going to GET WORST
    if they win in November

  10. There’s a strong common denominator in the thug picture……



    Oh, and call the litter police !


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