Canadian here. More Italian pasta, alcohol and cheese? Oh my yes pretty please!
As a Canadien, I would prefer goods from Italy instead of America. Italian goods are just better quality. Always have been. Italy has better food and wine exports too!
When did Canadians ever have a sense of safety because of their relationship with Italy. Could Italy come to Canadas rescue if they were attacked? I cant think of any advantage to having a relationship with flaky Italy. This dumb Italian broad seems pretty stupid to me, does she think America is in some way harmed by her silly decisions!!!!
If that is going to be a relationship between Italy and Canada then Canada can go to hell and ask Italy to support their economy by the hundreds of millions that the United States has been doing up until now!!!!
USA also depends on Canada and a lot! even 6 states receive electric energy from Canada. No country is auto sufficient. Thanks, Trump, for this. The bottom line is we the people are the ones paying for all this, not the rich millionaires.
NOT a good idea Italy.
They deserve each other. Both are Liberal as crap and we have enough of those crazies in the US. I wish the crazy ones we have would move to Canada.
See the graphics in this article. Since when has Alaska been a part of Canada? (The map at the 2:00 mark.)
NOT a good idea Italy. I’m Italian too.
If somebody can explain to me why we pay Canada to do business and tariffs is a way for us not to pay them, that that’s a good thing.
Maybe Canadians should stay in their own country or winter visit Italy for 3 month instead of coming here and taking all our doctors appointments.