EMBARRASSING’: Biden admin ‘going out with a bang’ with major controversy



It’s too late Schumer before you act,you should be accountable for what you have done in senate.

Feels like a distraction from the government while they are doing something else


  1. Back up and take a look. For 4 years+, We’ve been distracted by Oily, slimy Biden. While he has destroyed America, we’ve had DEI, CRT, transgender filth, mutilation of grade-schoolers in the name of “transitioning”, defund the police, increase in crime…. ALL DIVERIONS, while he and the DEI tw-t have opened the border, bled China and Ukraine dry with payoffs to the Biden family, forced inflation by handing out freebies, destroyed the economy and the American way of life. All of these travesties have been installed by the Biden administration to make us look the other way. Cats chasing laser lights bobbing around on a wall/floor. Now we have drones? Another diversion while he pardons the scum who are every bit as bad as he is, while he sells of the metal slabs to build the wall….. DIVERION. We watch the sky while he f’ks us ONCE AGAIN. They are from the government at his behest. His swansong to give the finger to us and Trump. This bastard is a real snake, imbedded for 50 years in the sewer of politics.. WE need to ban anyone from making bleeding the Americans dry for 50 years a profession. IMO, if You are a Mayor, you wait 4 years to run for State government. If you get in, then you are banned from running for president. Period. If you are in any political office you cant be invdolved in the Lobbying industry, like Denver’s ex-homeboy mayor is doing. Hancock sold Denver out to developers and now he is lobbying for the development industry. JUDAS, asshole criminal. Blood sucking parasite. They all are. Its how they live. Off of us.

  2. Susan, I agree. Schmuck Schumer is a scumbag who never did anything right or good. I don’t care what Schmuck burps out anymore. Dopey ol’ Joe is going out with a whimper. He’s the worst, most treasonous “president” this country ever had. He began the destruction of America on his first day in office and it continues. This disaster will finally end on 20 January. He should be stripped of his pension and his SS protection.

  3. Jan I agree with everything you wrote! the whole democRAT party is a sick bunch of people. They are not for the people!They are only looking out for themselves.the majority make about 175 thoudand a year but when they retire they being milionares!

  4. Underground reports are coming back as the drones are Federal. They are searching with what is called “sniffers.” An apparatus that sweeps for specific items. In this case it is said to be a missing dirty bomb that was tracked to our shores then lost on arrival. They will be searching the West Coast soon. Looking for Gama rays that they can’t hide.

  5. Mike, if the drones are ours, why don’t they come out and say it? Tell us what they’re doing, tell us there’s nothing to worry about, and the people will understand. Lying, keeping it a secret and denying it is worse.

  6. And you can allow ppl to shot them down much easyer And the way dem lie that is what needs to be done I am still thinking the government is doing weather change with them They did that a few yrs ago with the silver steaks in the sky in my area

  7. Jerry 1944, you are correct in that aspect. The elites are trying to change the weather, although they may deny it. It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature. Things could turn out much worse than they bargained for. And We the Commoners will pay the price.

  8. Tim, it’s getting difficult to buy ammo here in NY State, thanks to cuckoo Kathy Hochul’s idiocy. I have a lot of .22, but not much .380. However, cuckoo Kathy is protected by guns and the armed NYPD.


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