I’ll bet this clown thinks Bill Gates is the best thing since sliced bread. Now there’s someone who is dangerous. Sam Harris can kick rocks. If Trump reaches half of the goals he’s set, it will be a success. This current administration has mucked things up so badly, it will take a decade to correct.
Have Faith We need him to fix this Country! People are Cold, Hungry and have no more enjoyments in life. It’s Pretty bad that We can no longer teach our children what a piggy bank does for us cause all our funds are supporting heat, Foods and a roof over our heads and some of us have electric where others had to give up Xfinity cause it was costing over 320.00 a month. Life as turned in the wrong directions no more vacations cause the middle class can’t have extras. No one can afford much at all any more.
Just wait till he “fixes” this country…even worse than he did before. If you think you’re bad off now wait until whatever few dollars you may have left are literally worth nothing and all your freedoms have disappeared and nothing left but threats and detention camps if you’re lucky.
Duh, I never heard of this jackass before either. “Dr” Fraudci never had any professional scruples. He enjoyed torturing and killing helpless animals. Now it’s all coming out. That’s why he’s not burping on TV anymore. He’ll have to answer to God at some point.
I’ll bet this clown thinks Bill Gates is the best thing since sliced bread. Now there’s someone who is dangerous. Sam Harris can kick rocks. If Trump reaches half of the goals he’s set, it will be a success. This current administration has mucked things up so badly, it will take a decade to correct.
You misspelled “mucked”, lol. I never heard of this jackass before. Didn’t miss anything. Come on January 20th!!!
Have Faith We need him to fix this Country! People are Cold, Hungry and have no more enjoyments in life. It’s Pretty bad that We can no longer teach our children what a piggy bank does for us cause all our funds are supporting heat, Foods and a roof over our heads and some of us have electric where others had to give up Xfinity cause it was costing over 320.00 a month. Life as turned in the wrong directions no more vacations cause the middle class can’t have extras. No one can afford much at all any more.
Just wait till he “fixes” this country…even worse than he did before. If you think you’re bad off now wait until whatever few dollars you may have left are literally worth nothing and all your freedoms have disappeared and nothing left but threats and detention camps if you’re lucky.
Triggered much?
I’m at a loss for words. Delusional much! “Not a?” Wow…
Your confused because it was Trump who won not the corrupt,anti-american Demonrats administration who have almost destroyed the country
Time to get your man pants on and join the real world
Duh, I never heard of this jackass before either. “Dr” Fraudci never had any professional scruples. He enjoyed torturing and killing helpless animals. Now it’s all coming out. That’s why he’s not burping on TV anymore. He’ll have to answer to God at some point.