So refreshing to hear honest, competent experts answering questions, no dodging.
100,000 protective assignments and Blackwater never lost a single protectee. Many if not most of those assignments were in active combat zones….let that sink in.
They did not intend to protect DJT. They had their orders, throw him to the wolves but God thought otherwise. The demons are going into full rage now. Just wait from now until November what is on the horizon. This whole debacle reeks of corruption, from the very top to the bottom in my opinion. Our country as a whole is a cesspool of corruption from the city level to the Oval Office including the courts.
With the information available on the assassination attempt on Donald Trump we know that the FBI/CIA and their ilk had already been working with the assassin for more than a year. We know that the security available to Trump that day were primarily untrained DHS, and that they specifically failed to review evidence and tips any skilled security personnel would have. These failures certainly ensured the attack would occur and likely succeed. The cremation of the alleged killer was also 100% wrong and done for nefarious purposes.
I think that the United States secret service didn’t not protect the president and that they were trying to get him killed ok any time a man can get through a perimeter that has been set it is a set up and they knew it it is just that the shooter was a bad shot and it didn’t hit the mark we will see if anything else happens to the president!.