Allowing the Shutting down of airspace and an airport is a long stretch for our government to act like they know nothing…but then we know our government very well
Please keep a safe 6 feet social distance from other drones.
THIS IS another example of our government over reach and being OUT OF CONTROL!! Hurry up Donald…bring back sanity to our America!
OBiden and China working together
Word has it that china told biden they were coming with their drones and he better not do anything about it. With biden being a good ol boy he kneeled down kissed their feet and promised he wouldn’t do anything.
This country needs to get rid of Biden administration. Let donal Trump start the presidential role now
I am always amazed at how “newspaper politicians” will jump on any tidbit of information and misinformation and propose we need more laws and more regulations and create a narrative fueled by lobbyists to further an industry’s
market and profits.