Driver Brake Checks Tailgating Car then all Hell Breaks Loose!



When he graduated from the 12 anger management classes, they told him nobody is gonna follow him that close again.. They lied

Why the reporter dressed like a bootleg golf caddy?


  1. It’s real damned easy to let tailgaters get under one’s skin.

    I mean, I think the rule (and law) is still allow one car length for every ten miles of speed.

    So when someone is one car length behind me at 50-60-70 miles and hour, I sure get pissed. I mean, they endanger me as well as themselves and other nearby cars. Among other events, this is how mass pileups occur.

    At lower (non-lethal) speeds, I always get the urge to hit the brakes “to avoid hitting that cat that ran out”…….and collecting some insurance money and maybe even getting new wheels. But I haven’t succumbed……..yet.

  2. that’s because many drivers don’t care, some are stupid, and some are both,
    and I hate tailgaters, brake checks and it was better with a manual tranny

  3. I often feel like beating tailgaters to within an inch of their life for the danger that they pose. But the key word here is “feel”. I would never actually carry it out (even though I firmly believe they deserve it) because I know I would be the one to go to jail. The best course of action – and the one i always try to use – is simply to either change lanes or pull over and let the a-hole pass. These fools are living on borrowed time, and the first mistake they make could very well be their last. At the very least, if you rear end the car in front of you, it’s a virtual guarantee that you will be completely liable for all damages and injuries. My brother was once rear ended by an idiot while waiting at a red light, who then tried to claim that my brother put his car in reverse and backed into him. Needless to say, his story held up for about 5 seconds in court. Unfortunately, you can’t fix stupid, which seems to apply to all parties involved in this video.


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