The Government is The Problem… “Ronald Reagan”
Sorry, I can’t give Alan too much credit. He’s still brainwashed enough to be a democrat.
I’m not saying he needs to be a republican, nobody has time for that bullshit
Just exercise some intellectual honesty and don’t be a coward about it
Gain of function is egregious and so wrong that it reeks of immorality.
Fauci should be removed and fined four times his worth.
I knew dopey ol’ Joe would pardon his scumbag son. Now the ‘rats can’t say, “No one is above the law”. I wonder how many more scumbags, turds and stooges dopey ol’ Joe will pardon before he leaves office. Maybe he can pardon himself, eh?
Rand, Fraudci should be hung from the neck until dead. Or strap him to a gurney and do the same things he did to helpless innocent animals, which he tortured to death.
Fraudci, whiteragemilley, cheney, assinger, blinkon,obuthead, anti-american people who endangered our country, need to be held accountable for damage done.
This is reason most folks refuse to help a Stanger in need of help. As far as Hunter, He should not have been pardon,
His dad’s not in his right mind so does that count?
OMG can’t wait until Morons Biden and Harris get out of the White House and fade away, hopefully to never be seen or heard from again if we’re that lucky!!!