Dem Donor Betrays Kamala Harris & Spills the Beans on Her Cluelessness



3 hours on Joe Rogan would have totally exposed her as an empty suit. It was lose-lose for her.

I love how Kayleigh doesn’t say a word. She’s smart enough to know that when the other side is _finally_ having a moment of clarity and seeing the light — don’t interrupt them!


  1. Someone asked her what she would do differently than dopey Joe. She thought for a moment and burped, “I can’t think of a single thing”. She was finished at that point. That exposed her as the airhead that she truly is.

  2. She made her way to the top on her back in Cali, and just was too exhausted to do it by F;ing all of America, to get to the White House. Thats a lot of ball time. The best title for her is The Bimbo of America.

  3. K. Harris is such an immoral liar and deceiver, and yet, silly Americans were going on and on about how she always had a smile on her face. What is more stupid? The person so easily deceived and dumbed down, or the person who has nothing else to offer but a fake smile. I had real facts to share about K. Harris, and because of the vile hatred against Trump, no one wanted to hear the facts. I am no fan of Donald Trump, despite voting for him, but how does a person ignore the truth?

  4. Harris is done on the national stage, thank God. But as a Californian, I’m scared s***less that she’ll make some kind of comeback here in a run for governor. There are enough brainless idiots living in this state to actually vote for her. My biggest hope at this point is that Newscum f***s California to the point where every democrat will become toxic and unelectable. I realize that’s more of a dream than reality, but something has to get me through the day.


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