We had two idiots in office for 4 years and no message for them…..please Dave go back to the basement and smoke one
Trump has been slandered for 8 years, was nearly thrown in prison, and had multiple attempts on his life. And Chappelle thinks he’s going to be “petty” over this. Maybe he should endure the same treatment for the same length of time and we can see if he’ll be singing the same tune for himself.
Now that the Bidens are dead and gone he needs to find new material.. So now its back to pissing all over Trump. Can’t wait for the tiny, little, grease-ball, Newsome wanna’be, hater , little Billy Maher, to pick up the baton again.. They have NO real humor, so have turned to bashing political figures as their bread and butter. Little man Maher bitches about Cali, but continues to vote for the girly-men, compensation paying tw-ts who make life miserable. Chapel has some kinda’ balls. PETTY People… Look at the liar Biden who just pardoned his entire family, administration, and friends… WTF is he talking about….? He just grew a carpet…… sliding on down the popularity scale… soon to be a nobody.
He didn’t send a warning to the last two idiot White House occupants who were destroying America for 4 years.
Hi Guys,
I agree with you on everything and enjoy your interaction. However, when you talk about Israel I strongly recommend you read “The Ten Big Anti-Israel Lies and How to Refute Them With Truth,” by Alan Dershowitz. Its a very quick read and only 63 pages. IMHO, EXTREMELY important to know truth from lies and/or what the media wants us to believe.
And what possible motive would Dershowitz (a staunch Zionist) have to lie about anything? I’m sure he has absolutely no reason to alter any of the facts to put his own people in the best possible light. History has always been re-written by the Jews – the perennial “victims” of the world (who just happen to control the majority of the world’s wealth and power). There’s nothing that sets the Jews off more than having their official narrative of world events brought into question. If I want to learn THEIR version of history, I can study at ANY history book that’s used in our education (indoctrination) system – I don’t need to pay Dershowitz for the privilege. Why is it ILLEGAL in so many countries to deny the holocaust and its 6 million victims (double the number from the original narrative), yet there’s no problem anywhere with denying Stalin’s massacre of MANY times more Christians during his reign? I guess some lives are just more important than others – and some groups are firmly in power when deciding this. It’s interesting to see the Israeli PR machine go into overdrive every time they’re actually caught committing the very acts they accuse their enemies of. At some point, that machine will begin to break down as more people see the real face behind the mask. And in turn, we can expect to see more extreme reactions from the Jews.
Just another dumb n***** That smokes entirely way too much pot.
To bad that isn’t even chappel the real chappel was murdered and cloned because he wouldn’t quit making black jokes when they was moving Obama into office. The world is a stage and if the entertainers dont cooperate they get replaced like an old pair of underwear. When you sign that soul contract they literally own you. And cloning is nothing new. They are just giving us our breads and circus just like the gladiator games during that global reset.