Crowd Roars at Bill Maher’s Unexpected Take On Trump Supporters



WHY do they not realize that HILLY CLINTON is the OG of election denial. ‍♀️

If I had a dime for every time Hillary used the word "illegitimate" on DJT, I'd be able to BUY THIS PLATFORM!


  1. OK, let’s do deep dive into Trump’s lies. Did her make the border safer, yes, no lie there. We’re their wars all over creation, no. No lie there. Did people have more money in their pockets and were there more jobs created, yes. No lie there. Should I keep going or are you a brainless plantation democrat. Yes, you are!

  2. Cant believe u support Trump regardless! And yes Biden has made mistakes but raised minimum wages and yes that caused prices to go but they will go down, stock market is good and we are not kissing up to dictators and despots.

    Trump almost didn’t leave in 2020 and he will not concede if he loses again!

    He cheats all of his subcontractors, Cheated on all of his wives, turned on anyone who tried to tell him anything.

    Both of them are too old. What scares me is Kamala Harris as President

    • Soooo Brenda, you still put teeth under your pillow and think that eggs come in pretty colors? Fuel will come down as long as that empty huckster continues to deplete our strategic oil reserves. Wages that are not market driven drives price tags up. Paying off your student debt will make enemies of taxpayers and if you were dumb enough to get in debt for a useless degree, you need all the friends you can get.

  3. A shallow hole is still a hole. It is best to think deeply before you speak. “Better to be silent and thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it. ” Deficit thinking democrats are blind to facts and reality. They choose to be blind in fear of looking in the mirror and seeing their own myopia. Never argue with a stupid person, they will drag you down to their own level and beat you to with experience. Bottom line we were better off with Trump as president and we are rapidly getting less better off under Biden.

    • Thank you, Ken, for your words of wisdom. Better heads WILL prevail I believe. Wisdom is the key here and that is why the democrats prefer a socialistic government, they have no wisdom, only their unmitigated greed and lust for power.


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