Clinton’s and Obama’s MESSED UP ! Trump team confirms its all TRUE!


TOP COMMENTS FROM VIDEO BELOW Kash Patel and Stephen Gardner expose the elites secretly running the country. They hate Trump and fear he will hold them accountable for their many crimes. The swamp is deep and real and Trump’s round 2 team will be bigger and better.

Yes the border! She has done nothing about the border.


  1. Satan; It is important to note, however, that Satan recognized his impotence in the face of God’s express command, for he did not challenge God’s power and authority when God restricted him from taking Job’s life.—Job 2:6.
    Continued Opposition to God. By his challenge of God and his charging God’s servants with lack of integrity, Satan lived up to his title “Devil,” meaning “Slanderer,” which title he deserved for having slandered Jehovah God in the garden of Eden.
    Joined by other wicked demons. Before the Flood of Noah’s day, it appears that other angels of God left their proper habitation in the heavens, as well as their assigned positions there. Materializing human bodies, they came to dwell on earth, marrying women and producing offspring called Nephilim. (Ge 6:1-4; 1Pe 3:19, 20; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6; see NEPHILIM; SON[S] OF GOD.) These angels, having left God’s service, came under the control of Satan. Hence Satan is called “the ruler of the demons.” In one instance, when Jesus expelled demons from a man, the Pharisees accused him of doing so by the power of “Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” That they had reference to Satan is shown by Jesus’ answer: “If Satan expels Satan, he has become divided against himself.”—Mt 12:22-27.
    The apostle Paul associates Satan with “the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places,” and he speaks of them as “the world rulers of this darkness.” (Eph 6:11, 12) As a governing force in the invisible realm immediately about the earth, Satan is “the ruler of the authority of the air.” (Eph 2:2) In Revelation he is shown to be the one “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Re 12:9) The apostle John said that “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1Jo 5:19) He is therefore “the ruler of this world.” (Joh 12:31) That is why James wrote that “the friendship with the world is enmity with God.”—Jas 4:4. If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.

  2. Queen Nancy (Pelosi), Schmuck Schumer, Obummer, and Adam Schiff all stabbed dopey Joe in the back. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy. I don’t feel sorry for him at all. They might stab cackling Kamala in the back too. After all, she’s a dumb, unlikeable bimbo with an IQ not much higher than her shoe size.

  3. As we get closer to November’s election the mud slinging will get worse and worse. When all the BULLS**T starts flying, think about the last 3+ years of joey and harris and ask yourself some critical questions: Have these two incompetent and inept clowns and their cadre of an administration done anything for the average American, have they dealt effectively to solve the crisis at the southern border and the thousands of unvetted illegals coming into the USA on a monthly basis,( harris is supposed to be the border czar (sounds like something from the communist manifesto) and as expected has failed, have they dealt effectively with the inflation that’s draining peoples wallets and savings with the costs of basic foods and fuel going to nosebleed heights along with the empty store shelves and shortages causing many to do without basics, have they done anything about the increasing homeless encampments taking over our large and some medium sized cities and started feasible programs to deal with and solve this disgrace, have they dealt effectively with unaffordable housing and starting workable and feasible programs to make housing affordable, have they dealt with healthcare costs going through the roof rendering many including seniors unable to afford RX’s and due to unaffordable health care costs force many to do without all while giving non citizens free healthcare (in California this happened care of the liberal goons riunning the place into the ground ), have they dealt effectively with our #1 enemy china with a steel fist and made trade with them fair and equal and held these thieving no good SOB’s accountable, along with much more? To all these questions, the answer’s a resounding NO, they’ve failed miserably. And to think these clowns want another four years to jack around and waste time and tax dollars and do nothing positive for America is unacceptable. As they say past performance is indicative of future performance. Think of the years 2016-2020 with Trump, a legally elected president of the USA. He could have done some good things if the liberals acted like adults and worked across the aisle with the Republicans to get things done. Instead they threw hissy fits and temper tantrums every which way, and obstructed him ’cause he threw a wrench into the mechanism and wanted to give the American people a break for a change after 8 years of obozo and joey. These two clowns promised lots of things, (the affordable care act, not affordable, the jobs creation bill that was supposed to create good paying jobs and not feasible), and didn’t deliver and when the smoke cleared these two charlatans laughed all the way to the bank all while America and the American people got the shaft and were left holding the bag. Bottom line, four more years of this liberal progressive BS with harris at the helm will be more of the same and America can’t afford this. God please educate the American people on the dangers of the liberals.

  4. I don’t want her in charge of garbage pickup, she will F%@K that up too. the women is a ClusterF*#K, everything she touches turns to SH*T!!!

  5. all those piece of shit democrats are assholes Kamala is a total joke to our country ombama a piece of shit clintons a big piece of shit they all need to go to prison for life for what they have done to our country they are criminals and crap like dog shit Kamala is the biggest crap your ever meet got kicked out of countrys got put on a p,lane cause they cant staND HER SHE WILL DESTROY OUR COUNTRY JUST LIKE ALL THE DEMOCRATS DID KILL EM ALL


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