CHAOS: Pelosi BOOED, Screamed OFF STAGE By Democrat Activists For TWO Minutes Straight | ‘BRUTAL’



Who else loathes Obama, Kamala Harris, Walz, Biden, Jack Smith, Mayorkas, Schumer, Newsom, Schiff, Hochul, Willis, Fauci, Pelosi, Cheney, Hillary, AOC, Woke Hollywood, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSDNC, Facebook, google and YouTube censorship,??.

Why can’t I comment she deserves life in prison for treason against the american public


    • The head criminal is Drumpft, a sexual assaulter, cheater. liar, dishonest businessman and wannabe Mussolini who is not a Democrat.

      • the slaves to the STATE will only take so much abuse. At first, the dim cult members will suffer the wrath, not the ring leaders. You need to study socialist history (mass murder)

    • This country is no more YOURS than it is any other citizen’s. The only crimes against our country have been committed by the wannabe Mussolini Drumpft. Anyone who supports Drumpft is as moraaly bereft as he is.

      • so, THAT means YOU also sniff children, are senile, corrupt and still try to shake hands with Mr. Invisible? mumble, stumble, woke broke bitter?

  1. The inebriated old battleaxe should have retired years ago. She’s having wet dreams about being speaker of the House again. Enough! Vote her out.

  2. Has anyone else noticed that across media when this hag raises her hands they look like claws? Chicken feet for hands. Old , ,nobby, arthritic talons. Maybe she thinks they are attractive, but you cant plastic up the old digits and use botox…… freezing her fac.

      • what is your IQ? net worth? How did Obiden & barry boy obama get their millions? lying, stealing, laundering…. go back to Yoohoo Snews, where the screeners remove those that would “hurt your feelings”.

  3. Pee-losi is a hypocrite. She was denied Communion here, so she flew all the way to the Vatican to get it (at taxpayer expense). Da pope-ah was spineless enough to give it to her. Who does that?

  4. It is past time FOR HER TO get OUT. They need to clean out and put fresh blood in just like Biden and Harris. Poo-lish to GO. She traded stocks like Martha Stewart, she had to pull time let Poo-lish get the same medicine. Congress people are already RICH. Tax the richer and less for us common People.

  5. It’s truly bizarre how all these MAGAs overlook the FACT that Drumpft is guilty of every crime short of murder unless one counts the THOUSANDS of covid deaths due to his ignorance and indifference while he sent covid test kits to Putin.

    • Somebody dun been brainwarshed and can’t critically think, likes to come here calling out morals while lacking of herself. You ain’t hard to figure out. Please post a link of one of your videos throwing hissy fits for our entertainment because reality is too hard on you. People like you are why pharma gets stupid rich


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