Candace Owens POINTS OUT something we’ve all missed about Matt Gaetz and Trump!



Pence needs to go home. No one wants to hear that traitor!

We voted for TRUMP!
Let him get to work.
Pence needs to find a job!


  1. The country needs Gaetz and he should start with Mcconnell, pelosi, schiff and all the other insider trading crooks. The democrats don’t want anyone looking into the finances since their millions are made off the sweat off our backs

    • Praying, from your mouth to God’s ears, we need to get rid of those rats, they are only there for MONEY AND POWER, time to change the corrupted politicians for really american patriots to care about America and WE TGE PEOPLR

    • Thats for sure although i am still leary of the house speaker who has crawled to do the dems bidding any chance her got just like old mitch and ryne did last time to keep Pres Trump from being able to get all the jobs needed And will We miss Matt helping keep keep the rinos down

    • the same socialist in the press and idiots in gov’t. that told you sloppy Joe Obiden was “sharp as a tack” and “on his game” for 3 1/2 years are telling you Gaetz is a rapist and Trump is losing his mind? When will you stop believing these Satan worshipers that are ALL about child sacrifice. Their only platform was KILL BABIES ! and make YOU pay for it?

  2. Matt Gaetz is a true conservative and is aggressive enough to go after the criminally corrupt deep state politicians.

    I’ve listened to him question subpoenaed individuals, such as, AG Garland, DHS Dir Mayorkas, and FBI Dir Wray and Gaetz held no punches!

    A lot of the Congress and House members are very afraid of him, so Gaetz must be the right guy for Attorney General!!!

    • IF a public servant, takes an oath of office, to We the People and violates that oath, THAT is called fraud. The death penalty should be the sentence. Same goes for ANY repeat offenders that commit a felony (murder, robbery, child sex abuse, grand theft auto, sex slavery/kidnapping). Firing squad, hang or death by exposure. Shoot any traitor that sells out America.

  3. Eff Mike Pence. He’s a traitor. He sold Trump out and he sold America out too. He could have been Trump’s VP again if he hadn’t done that. Now he’s pissed because Trump won, so he’s spewing sour grapes.

  4. If you want to investigate embedded Republicans that have benefitted one way or another by cooperating with the Deep State then start with any that oppose the Gaetz appointment.

  5. Fellow Americans, You should inquire of your Congress about the $40+ million being paid to Afghanistan every week. This is taxpayer money not from the Democrats money pit. Suggest, STRONGLY, this shall cease immediately!

  6. This congress should watch their backs. If they don’t cooperate with Trump. We the PEOPLE, have the right to RECALL and REMOVE them from office.

    • Amerika has tried socialism since 1865, when the republic of We the People was destroyed, ALL citizens enslaved to the Den of Corruption. WE need to go back to free & sovereign states and a law abiding nation of free people. The LAW LESS NESS must stop, or else ! Death to tyrants

  7. five faced pence had his chance, but he screwed it up too bad, keep your yap shut and just retire

    • Pence always had that untrustworthy smirk on his face. His own constituents in Indiana when he was Governor didn’t like him. No one cares what you think, Pence.

  8. Hell ya, their scared to death of Matt Gates, he stands with Trump, and doesn’t back down, no body wants him, but we do. This has already been settled yrs ago, this is all bullshit to stop him. The dummycraps are scared of their own crimes being revealed. This commie dumbocrap party is finished, for corruption and lots of it. Party is over.

    • Pence is of the real cult, called the catholic cult. bunch of fairy tails. child abusers, candles for dead saints? Keep their god in a box of crackers?


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