Bud Light PANIC! New Desperate Anti-Woke Ad Featuring ‘TRUMP’ Comedian BEGGING Customers Back



Nah, Bud Light can keep their gender fluid.

It’s free country. Companies can hire whoever they want. Consumers can buy and boycott brands they want.


  1. Freedom will be a distance memory if Cackles is elected not from what she might do but from what the Manchurian Candidate Obama will do

  2. Butt Light could apologize and hire Tucker Carlson to be their spokesperson. They could make commercials with Mike Ditka and Clint Eastwood. It’s too late. I’ll never drink that watered down Clydesdale urine. They basically said “F you” to their customers. Never forget.

  3. Why did Anheuser-Busch ever hire a woke moron like Alissa Heinerscheidt (I swear that means “s**t head’ in German) or greenlight her “all in” woke campaign? Did they not know what they were getting? No – they knew exactly what they’d gotten. It’s what they wanted – and you know that because, when this idiocy blew up in their faces, they didn’t fire her. They protected her and, even when it boiled over into a serious PR mess, they kept her on, only reluctantly putting her and her lapdog, Blake, on “administrative leave”. Paid vacation, in short. It wasn’t until their local distributors practically rioted that A-B belatedly let these two go. Nobody should drink Bud Light – or any A-B product, until the whole lot of these idiots infesting A-B’s corporate suites are gone. A-B won’t have done adequate penance until those folks are out on the streets and their ‘golden parachutes’ sequestered to pay for the shareholder suits brought against them. And then, let’s not forget to go after Gillette and their parent, Procter-Gamble, along with Harley-Davidson, Boeing, and United Airlines. Ask those poor astronauts stuck on the ISS who trusted Boeing and its DEI hires to get ’em to and from the space station. And while we’re at it, screw Disney. Universal is cheaper, has better rides, and makes better movies. It’s time that these corporations paid the price of their participation in and support of this BS.

  4. Will never go back to bud And now H D wants to change the meaning of what to put between you legs by going woke also Sergees seemed to show what riders thought of that Men already have what they need between there legs They sure dont need a tran ( trying not to get canned again) hehe


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