Bret Baier: This story keeps getting bigger



It’s not “malpractice.” It’s dereliction of duty and misappropriation of funds. And it should be prosecuted.

Mayorkas has done such a good job on the border that misappropriation of tax dollars should NOT be a surprise! Hopefully disgraceful Mayorkas will be held accountable.


  1. So the house is responsible for paying Mayorkas and merick garland also Pete buttgeige three useless butt kissers…so why are they receiving paychecks..? ..I think there is one party in control of congress..the communist party ..and Trump needs protection from these government don’t trust a government that wants to kill Americans with a population control proof..simple where are the tents at the Border to vaccinate illegals ..don’t they want to protect their neighbors and themselves..? You know that guilt bullsh-t we were handed..well only two idiots in my family took that shot one died the other had to have a operation to remove blood clots in her don’t tell me I am wrong

    • That jab killed my husband as well. In 2019 he was doing well, needed a knee replacement and his prostate cancer had been contained and PSA readings were fine for 13 years. Between 2020-2022 he received 3 jabs, I begged him not to, and he was gone in January 2024 – his cancer started metastasizing 2021 spreading to lymph nodes then bones as well as other health issues, one right after the other: AFIB, bladder issues, fluid retention around heart and lung, weakness in standing – loss of muscle strength. Then in Oct 2023 they decided to use chemo for his cancer and he was gone 4 months later. He had bought into the medicale establishments BS and no matter what I said it certainly wasn’t enough. If you want to stay alive, stay away from the medical “bought off and paid for” doctors. I don’t get any shots for any reason and at almost 73 I am in better shape than the majority of folks I see my age. Take care of your immunity and it will take care of you, naturally.

  2. I totally agree about the vaccines. I have a heart condition and refuse to have the vax because of the stories that I’ve read about the heart-related conditions caused by the vax. I know there were some that got the vax because it was a job requirement and they couldn’t afford to lose their job. But, there were those that dutifully got the vax and all of the boosters because they were told to. Many had heart-related illness afterwards. I will go one step further, it’s just hypothetical but something to ponder. I have wondered if the injections contained some sort of mind control? With our current evil admin, it is totally possible. There’s so many that have drank the “Kool-Aid” that no longer seem to be in control of their actions. They mindlessly vote for the leftists for no reason of their own. They repeat the same hateful rhetoric and think that the state of our country is doing just fine – it couldn’t be better. Just thinking…


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