Donald Trump – I am not American but my daughter is … I followed Trump from 2016 and I cried when he lost the 2020 election , He is an inspiration for his strength , faith in God and sacrificing everything for the love of his country, I pray for him and his family everyday for the future of my daughter and every American . GOD BLESS TRUMP
We know who is right, who we trust & who is The BEST DONALD J. TRUMP‼️TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP
Trump is our hero, and the next president, of our country in a landslide.
For those who are cheating and lying during the election . . . I say they should be punished real good. We are Americans and we should not have our votes fouled. There should be a reckoning for those that cheat and now is the time.
Let’s not forget the fact that President Donald J. Trump donated all of his presidential wages to charity. With that being said, he’s not in it for the money or power. He already has all that. He’s doing this to make our country whole again. To make sure that we’re safe from the terrorists, cartel and illegal immigrants that Kamala allowed to invade our country. I have faith that he will Make America Great Again!!!