Giving Soros or Clinton any medal is ludicrous.
My plane leaves in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn’t fired, you’re not getting the billion dollars. Well, SOB. He got fired. -sloppy joe biden
Giving Soros or Clinton any medal is ludicrous.
My plane leaves in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn’t fired, you’re not getting the billion dollars. Well, SOB. He got fired. -sloppy joe biden
Dopey Joe shouldn’t be signing any destructive edicts on his way out the door. These are more edicts that President Trump can hopefully rescind later.
This nutcase of a U S President, pardoning criminals who had no mercy for their victims, is nothing short of stupidity. I feel for the families. The US Courts did their duty, and this nincompoop of a jackass undid it with the stroke of his pen.
Everything he has done during his presidency should be null and void. He is brain dead and just doing what the deep state tells him to do. The deep state was not elected so nothing they had him do is legal! The entire administration belongs in gitmo for trying, and almost succeeding, to destroy the USA !
Giving medals to George Soros and Hillary Clinton renders the medals worthless. Both these traitors should be in jail, along with Joe himself.
If you’re too senile to stand trial, you’re too senile to run the country, or to pardon ANYONE. We have become a laughing stock.