Stephen Gardner and Serge du Prees, show producer for Timcast IRL discuss new conspiracy to remove Trump if he wins.


that congressman needs kicked out of congress

Ratskin = traitor.


  1. Any and all persons involved in this conspiracy BS need to be charged, tried and convicted of treason! It is this small, brainless bunch of crying idiots that throw tantrums continuously that are destroying the fundamentals this country was built on. Holding Pelosi and her pinheads accountable for their asinine destruction and behavior would be a definite step in the right direction. The majority of the country has had enough (actually more than enough) of this conspiracy crap!

  2. The only ones killing democracy are the corrupt Democrats. Every one of them should be arrested for treason, processucuted and executed for treason. These people think we work for them they have forgotten they work for us . Itis time for the military tribunal to step in and get our country back on track justlike what President Donald J Trump wants for America. He loves America and he loves the American people. God Bless America and the teue President of the United States. While they are atit arrest George and Alex Soro’s for interference of iur election. They are communist people.

  3. I can’t wait to see the look on that corrupt Raskin’s face when he finds out that Trump is the only legal President of the United States Republic and our Commander in Chief. Fake Biden is dead, buried in Arlington National Cemetary, I even have Biden’s grave site ID number. Biden has been played for several years by a White Hat actor until about a week and a half ago when the Deep State killed the fake Biden played by a good man. Biden never was inaugurated because he was already dead, executed at Gitmo That body face mask of Biden didn’t look too good on him, I will admit, and Kamala is also dead, being played by a man with a body face mask and a voice changer. There are so many walking dead Deep State idiots that it’s gotten pathetic. This must be done, though to get the Deep State, corrupt Democrats and Rino’s out of office and at Gitmo. People are going to be either sick or shocked or both when they find out the type of crimes these corrupt snakes have committed. Nancy is also executed. Her husband is in prison for life, therefore was not in on the invasion in his home. Dick and Liz Cheney are two more. All of the Bushes are dead, Barak and Mike are also gone. The list is quite long. This information is from right out of Gitmo.

    • From the military! If you are against the military, you, sir or madam are a traitor, plain and simple. I have the video of Hillary being hanged at Gitmo. So, shove it!

  4. Americafirst you are as crazy as the orange idiot. Trump is the ex-president not the future one. He is the corrupt one, he is the felon, he tried to change the election results. He is a sick sick man.

    • Sorry, write to Gitmo. They will tell you the same that I did. Now who is the crazy one. As I told C clock (above), if you are against the military, you are a problem and a traitor. Do I need to send your name to Gitmo?

    • Another ignorant lib cult member that has elementary school education and has to call names !!
      Corrupt ? True?? Damn ! Haven’t you heard of Clinton crime family and Biden crime family ?? Noe there is corruption!!
      In 2016 hillary was caught trying to bribe members of electoral college to change election results and YOU said nothing!! So STFU!!

  5. The Democratic party stole the election for Biden in 2020 and now they will going to do it again. Biden didn’t win in 2020s it was stolen.
    I hope that the American citizens are getting smarter this time,

  6. N kraemer get your head out of your behind, so u can see the real truth, the only corruption, is the entire dumbocrap commie party, they are the enemy, and the american people are going to prove it come election day. America first will win, no matter what u morons say, try to spin on that ignorant, incompetent, phony, hypocrite, kamala, the laughing joke is on her.

  7. The only ones killing democracy are the corrupt Democrats. Every one of them should be arrested for treason. These individuals seem to believe that we work for them, forgetting that they are actually in service to us. It is time for the military tribunal to step in and get our country back on track just like what President Donald J Trump wants for America. His love for America and the American people is profound. May God bless America and its duly elected President. While addressing the issue, they should also arrest George and Alex Soros for interfering with our election. They are communist people.


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