As a US Army Vet….I would never want someone next to me so mentally confused that they don’t know if they are a male or female.
Not sure if anyone else here has pointed this out…. but due to Obama’s DEI policies the FAA has turned away white qualified males applying for Air Traffic Controllers jobs… for the past decade. So there is a major shortage.
One air traffic controller was on duty not the two that’s required.
I watched a Black Hawk helicopter, fly right into a jet trying to land. WTH everyone seen the same thing, it never tried to avoid plane, so they probably never seen the jet, and were flying to high at the time . How can u not see lights in the sky?
Cannot agree. If it were true, how and why did the USA end up in the mess we are in for the last four years?
and those that cover for the senile, child sniffing, daughter grooming, can’t be held accountable, life long racist are the normal, stable, educated sheeople we are to follow? After others like him have spent our tax money on arming our enemies and abusing We the People here at home? IF “we” were free, we could opt out (1861) but we can’t/won’t. We are slaves to the STATE and the Den of Corruption. pay your dues on April 15th, celebrate your holiday on April 1st.
Whatever comes out, the following should be made standard procedure; anytime a helicopter is going to cross an approach/takeoff corridor, they must visually make sure that no planes are coming from both sides before entering the corridor, even if they have to stop before entering the corridor. Period, end of story.
how about NOT train over the busiest, most secured area of air space on the planet? ya think ?