Black Man Attacks Undercover Cop With Machete Then This Happens



I’m sick of this bullsh** of he was a good man bla,bla,bla. A criminal

His family demands accountability from everybody except for him…


  1. Typical bullsht. Young and breeding like a rat, and because he is an unevolved, uneducable POS, he is the f’in VICTIM?? Hell no. He is just the perpetuation of a culture of “oppressed”, deserving, parasites , supported by WOKE false compassion. They are still on the plantation, only this time, its the government in the “big house”who owns them. Until this stops, they have no chance to come out of the distant south, and beyond and join humanity… They are low IQ, low ambition, low ability. I can train my DOG, and yet we have an entire faction of humanity that we keep stupid, base, animals… They eat, they breed, they sht,,,,, What else are they even capable of doing? Nothing. Whose fault… THE GOVERNMENT who keeps giving handouts and telling them that they are born with the disability of being black… and need to be kept on the farm…and they buy into it. OF course with the help of those who make money and live well off of them. LIke Bragg, like Brandon Johnson…. Do they live ghetto? Hell no, but keep the pot stirred by encouraging the squalor to keep on killing each other and blaming whitey…. SICK bastards.

      • want to know why this seldom happens in the 29 constitutional carry states and in the South? We are allowed to defend ourselves, IF we “feel” threatened. Choose your target wisely, if’n ya can

    • Im looking at the guys face he looks like an Illegal Latino say Mexican or south american he dont look Black and as we all know Illegals are very fond of killing people with MACHETES ITS THEIR WEAPON OF CHOICE HANG HIM .

  2. He was a “good” man, a father with a little twerp on the way. Oh, cry me a river. He should have thought about that before he pulled the machete. He got exactly what he asked for. He should have been in an asylum, not living on the streets.

  3. Yes this guy was a loser, he was a criminal, with all the wrong stuff in his head, is just one of the many stupid ass people out there, but it is not because he was black. However, these two commentators presenting this clip are two of the smartest young men, and I could listen to them, forever. Yet they are black. It is not a black thing, it is a mentality. Knowing Right from Wrong and being of Godly character, to resist Evil.

  4. Son of a bitch got what he deserved. The cops should’ve reloaded and emptied that magazine as well. Piece of shit got what he deserved.


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