Black Chicago Gangs FURIOUS Over Influx Of Venezuelan Migrant Gangs!



don’t vote for Kamala if you know what’s good

Its pretty sad when the gangs make more sense than the elected officials.


  1. Kamalla Harris and Tim Walz both need to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut !

    Neither one is qualified to be in our White House !

  2. Things are at a boiling point. If the authorities won’t do anything about it, the black gangs and the citizens will take matters into their own hands and take the illegal migrants down. Like the man with the USA cap says, it’s only a matter of time. How do the illegal migrants get illegal guns when us citizens can’t? Stop voting for Democraps!

  3. Yeah right, the community is furious and yet they are stupid enough to continue voting for and supporting the people that do this to them…. How ignorant is that?

    • I know. It’s so pathetic that we could even be here. We’ve come to this? There are so many blind, braindead followers that will vote for them because they were told to. They think this is normal. Socialist indoctrination schools at their finest. Have you noticed the crazed eyes in many of the followers from just the guy on the street to the celebs? Definitely high on the “Kool-Aid”. It reminds me of the Jim Jones cult and the People’s Temple, killing 900 people in 1978 by making them drink Flavor Aid laced with cyanide. Who knows where this current insane cult will lead. They had the nerve calling MAGA a cult. I know I have my own presence of mind to do what’s right and not be a follower blindly. I sure hope there are many more of us. Trump/Vance 2024!!!

  4. War is is going to happen, this illegal invasion of people from every where, is causing to many deaths, assaults, rapes, robberies, from these invaders. It is destroying the fabric of our country, and the dumbocraps are all to blame, they have caused all of this. Vote these dumbocrap marxist, commies out of office.

  5. The democrats don’t care that the blacks are waking up and are going to vote for republicans. We have motor voter in Illinois. The illegals are getting cars and licenses and will vote for the democrats so they will still win. Just watch.

  6. My opinion on this issue is to vote for Donald Trump. I am appalled by what you’ve said and showed. Democrats are really lining their own pockets with our taxes; your video is really terrifying. What the hell is going on. F–king Biden is a waste product and needs to be put out to pasture. I blame him and Harris for this crap. Damn these people for letting our cities become dumps for migrants. They need to retrofit and vet these illegals coming in.

  7. I believe that the government itself is playing a major role in arming these illegal gang members. With all of the gun laws in these blue states, how are they able to become so heavily armed so quickly? There are many in our government who wish to destroy our country as we know it and quickly bring about the NWO. It’s very telling that the left goes totally insane over any American citizen armed with these types of weapons, yet completely downplays reports showing illegals armed the same way. And just to be clear, I’m not only accusing most on the left of contributing to this nightmare, but many on the right as well. The neocons within the Republican party are notorious for selling Americans out for their own gain, as we saw with Bush and Cheney not so many years ago. When they now throw their support towards the left rather than towards Trump, that’s a clear sign that they’re all in bed together. The real enemy is right here among us, and I just pray that enough Americans recognize it and vote accordingly, before we pass the point of no return.

  8. I think we’re already past the point of no return. What will we do with all the illegal freeloaders? Trump wants to deport them and that’s good. The problem is, groups like the ACLU will file lawsuits to stop it. Lawsuits could drag through the courts for years. Many folks are stuck on stupid, i.e., they keep voting for Democraps no matter how much they destroy our states and our country.

  9. Democrats have pushed citizens into an untenable situation. We will see gunfights between these gangs. Where are our mayors and city administrators? Hiding under the bed counting their graft money. Time to move on and destroy another city. Democrats do that best.


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