Acosta was and is and likely always will be a PoS. He was an absolute embarrassment at the Press conferences – a truculent child demanding to have his say. I’ve seen 4 year olds throwing a tantrum who had better manners. If I’d have been Trump, I’d have had Acosta forcibly manhandled off the floor, tossed out of the Press Room, and had his credentials and Press Pass revoked. Screw him. He probably thinks he can make a living as a TikTok/Facebook/YouTube influencer. Personally, I hope he ends up doing gay “Only Fans” shows for super-annuated sodomites who get off on coprophagia and will pay extra for Jim-boy to publicly engage in it.
No SWEAT off my, uhhh, backside (YES!!!).
He should never be allowed to open his mouth ever. He got what he deserved,
Acosta was and is and likely always will be a PoS. He was an absolute embarrassment at the Press conferences – a truculent child demanding to have his say. I’ve seen 4 year olds throwing a tantrum who had better manners. If I’d have been Trump, I’d have had Acosta forcibly manhandled off the floor, tossed out of the Press Room, and had his credentials and Press Pass revoked. Screw him. He probably thinks he can make a living as a TikTok/Facebook/YouTube influencer. Personally, I hope he ends up doing gay “Only Fans” shows for super-annuated sodomites who get off on coprophagia and will pay extra for Jim-boy to publicly engage in it.
we do Not need philosophical discussions about “bad jimmy the accoster”
suffice to say “good riddance to bad rubbish”
Reilly viejo puto maricon y chupa culo de Trump!