My heart is so happy. The Communist/Marxist DEMONrats are loosing the USA and we will be GREAT AGAIN.
NOW take back all the schools- deport all MaRXISTS WITH 1954 LAW= Will be lots of teacher jobs up to fill with all the commies weeded out of the schools and the country. While do scum commies want to be here anyway- we are a CAPITALIST empire and will stay that way FOREVER.
Do not let the door kiss your sorry arse on the way to China asswipes.
Hostin can’t even get fellow libturds comments right. None of these Diddycrats have a clue.
My heart is so happy. The Communist/Marxist DEMONrats are loosing the USA and we will be GREAT AGAIN.
NOW take back all the schools- deport all MaRXISTS WITH 1954 LAW= Will be lots of teacher jobs up to fill with all the commies weeded out of the schools and the country. While do scum commies want to be here anyway- we are a CAPITALIST empire and will stay that way FOREVER.
Do not let the door kiss your sorry arse on the way to China asswipes.