The COVID virus is MANMADE and there is no vaccine. A vaccine by definition is a drug/virus meant to protect against a disease. Poliomyelitis was eradicated by Salk Polio vaccine. However, the COVID shot was not a vaccine. It FAILED to work. People still get COVID. Now the bad part. The COVID shot, post pandemic, there IS a 3900% increase sudden deaths in young healthy males 15 to 35 years old. A 2000% increase in RARE CANCERs.
Unproven and Investigated drugs FORCED onto the AMERICAN population. Shameful
Rand, I agree with you. You are 100% correct. I never got the Covid jab and I never got Covid. Ditto for my hairdresser. The Covid virus was manufactured in a Chinese lab, which “Dr” Fraudci funded, then denied. The Covid jab is not a vaccine. It’s DNA “modification”.
The COVID virus is MANMADE and there is no vaccine. A vaccine by definition is a drug/virus meant to protect against a disease. Poliomyelitis was eradicated by Salk Polio vaccine. However, the COVID shot was not a vaccine. It FAILED to work. People still get COVID. Now the bad part. The COVID shot, post pandemic, there IS a 3900% increase sudden deaths in young healthy males 15 to 35 years old. A 2000% increase in RARE CANCERs.
Unproven and Investigated drugs FORCED onto the AMERICAN population. Shameful
Rand, I agree with you. You are 100% correct. I never got the Covid jab and I never got Covid. Ditto for my hairdresser. The Covid virus was manufactured in a Chinese lab, which “Dr” Fraudci funded, then denied. The Covid jab is not a vaccine. It’s DNA “modification”.
Biden is the worst President and not even that good………