Armed Woman Followed Home From Taco Bell, Shoots Intruder Forcing His Way Into Garage



This was a depressing video…..He survived.

Why are not women the biggest supporters of 2A is beyond me.


  1. Don’t know about her state but where I live you have to pass a course on shooting and how to handle a gun or you do not get a permit. This dose not comply wit the second amendment but in some ways it is smart. To bad she had not passed the course the perp would not be around to be set free from jail and do it again to some one unarmed.

    • I do not understand your reply. Why are you assuming that the woman DID NOT go to a class? Under a high-stress situation, she hit her target two times even though the criminal did not die. I do not know about Texas laws, but permits are only required for CCW where I live. I agree that everyone who owns a weapon of any kind should know how to use it, and this woman did know how to use it.

  2. guns NEVER act alone. Cell phone drivers (on average) kill 11 people every day. Driving or owning a vehicle is NOT a right. IT is a privilege. Self protection is also a right. shoot the bastard

  3. If someone breaks into my house, why should I have to have legal help…I have signs telling people/warning them that I have a dog and they enter at their own risk. Get thru. the dog, you will meet a red head with a gun. Get right with God before you come into my house uninvited because you will be meeting your maker soon.

  4. It’s very difficult to get a concealed carry permit in NY State. Even if you’re granted one, NY State can revoke it at any time, for any reason. Then you have to hire a lawyer and appear before a judge.


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