Both Cory Bush and Jamal Bowman are removed and it’s a great feeling they are, we should rejoice!! These two are the scum of the earth along with the rest of the squad. Bush came out and yelling with her gorilla mouth she was going after others because she was voted out which she can’t accept that the voters seen right through her. She should be removed from the United States as well.
What is the Truth? Jesus told us; John 17:17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth.
The Bible is the TRUTH and we have no other truth. There can’t be 2 Truths, or they would be in conflict with each other. The Bible book John chapter 17 is a prayer that Jesus spoke the day before he was put to death and in that prayer he told us that we are sanctified by putting into practice in our lives what we learn from the Bible. This is a personal choice that each must make….. or not.
The Holy Name of Almighty God; AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. — The Most Holy Name Jehovah is in the King James Bible just 4 times, BUT, it is in the original manuscripts more than 7,000 times; WHY? To emphasize the extreme importance of that Holy Name. Also, the name Jesus means: “Jehovah is salvation”. – Go ahead, goggle it. Why do the so-called ‘Christian churches’ (now numbering more than 41,000 DIFFERENT sects) demand that those who attend such a divided (divisions are noted in the Bible as being a work of the flesh; NOT of the Spirit) group use Bibles that are NOT accurate (almost all ‘churches’ demand that those who attend use the King James Bible which translators openly state has more than 21,000 translation errors in it)? Because Jehovah God will not let those who teach lies (designed to control people through fear) to use His Holy Name. An example; hell DOES NOT EXIST, and I can prove it, easily; [email protected]. Please email me if you have questions. I can answer any question about the Bible using the Bible to do so. Any help I can provide is always free.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them . . . , teaching them.—Matt. 28:19, 20. It is very interesting why we were given this command from Jesus in the Bible. Do you understand why? Repetition is the mother of retention. Teachers do not know how to teach when they begin teaching; they learn HOW to teach by teaching. This is also how you learn the Bible; not by reading it, but by teaching it to others. I can answer any question about the Bible using the Bible to do so. Why? Because I have taught the Bible to others and I now know the Bible THROUGH TEACHING IT. I read the Bible, cover to cover a number of times, before I started to teach it, but I did not understand it; and I did not know that I did not understand it until a brother asked me to explain something from the Bible, and I could not do so. He then showed me how to do so, and he began a study with me then. NOW I know how to use the Bible AND I know what the Bible message to us IS. If you want to truly understand the Bible, I can direct you to a home Bible study course which you can arrange for when it is convenient for you and it is free; if you are interested, please email me and I will send you the link to that FREE Bible study course.
Jesus said to “come out from among them, be ye separate”. The founders said the same thing, “alter, abolish or SEPARATE from such (evil) gov’t. WHY do we NOT obey? This is why we are slaves today. disobedience and having a “temple” built to a racist, atheist, tyrant named Abraham Lincoln
Please Allah wake-up America All people over the world face reality I’m praying for Trump help let him make America Great Again also put that BIAS Judge in JAIL fake of a Hush Money Trial FREE FREE FREE Trump you can do it almighty God all power is in your hands I believe it says ask and it should be done Matthew 21-22 verse
Thanks for listening people
GOD is sovereign, man is responsible. WE have the gov’t. that WE allow and deserve. Amerika is full of cowards with a 2nd amendment. A gun is useless to a coward. GOD hates cowards because they don’t trust Him. (fear man) (like during covid)
Both Cory Bush and Jamal Bowman are removed and it’s a great feeling they are, we should rejoice!! These two are the scum of the earth along with the rest of the squad. Bush came out and yelling with her gorilla mouth she was going after others because she was voted out which she can’t accept that the voters seen right through her. She should be removed from the United States as well.
What is the Truth? Jesus told us; John 17:17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth.
The Bible is the TRUTH and we have no other truth. There can’t be 2 Truths, or they would be in conflict with each other. The Bible book John chapter 17 is a prayer that Jesus spoke the day before he was put to death and in that prayer he told us that we are sanctified by putting into practice in our lives what we learn from the Bible. This is a personal choice that each must make….. or not.
The Holy Name of Almighty God; AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. — The Most Holy Name Jehovah is in the King James Bible just 4 times, BUT, it is in the original manuscripts more than 7,000 times; WHY? To emphasize the extreme importance of that Holy Name. Also, the name Jesus means: “Jehovah is salvation”. – Go ahead, goggle it. Why do the so-called ‘Christian churches’ (now numbering more than 41,000 DIFFERENT sects) demand that those who attend such a divided (divisions are noted in the Bible as being a work of the flesh; NOT of the Spirit) group use Bibles that are NOT accurate (almost all ‘churches’ demand that those who attend use the King James Bible which translators openly state has more than 21,000 translation errors in it)? Because Jehovah God will not let those who teach lies (designed to control people through fear) to use His Holy Name. An example; hell DOES NOT EXIST, and I can prove it, easily; [email protected]. Please email me if you have questions. I can answer any question about the Bible using the Bible to do so. Any help I can provide is always free.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them . . . , teaching them.—Matt. 28:19, 20. It is very interesting why we were given this command from Jesus in the Bible. Do you understand why? Repetition is the mother of retention. Teachers do not know how to teach when they begin teaching; they learn HOW to teach by teaching. This is also how you learn the Bible; not by reading it, but by teaching it to others. I can answer any question about the Bible using the Bible to do so. Why? Because I have taught the Bible to others and I now know the Bible THROUGH TEACHING IT. I read the Bible, cover to cover a number of times, before I started to teach it, but I did not understand it; and I did not know that I did not understand it until a brother asked me to explain something from the Bible, and I could not do so. He then showed me how to do so, and he began a study with me then. NOW I know how to use the Bible AND I know what the Bible message to us IS. If you want to truly understand the Bible, I can direct you to a home Bible study course which you can arrange for when it is convenient for you and it is free; if you are interested, please email me and I will send you the link to that FREE Bible study course.
Jesus said to “come out from among them, be ye separate”. The founders said the same thing, “alter, abolish or SEPARATE from such (evil) gov’t. WHY do we NOT obey? This is why we are slaves today. disobedience and having a “temple” built to a racist, atheist, tyrant named Abraham Lincoln
Please Allah wake-up America All people over the world face reality I’m praying for Trump help let him make America Great Again also put that BIAS Judge in JAIL fake of a Hush Money Trial FREE FREE FREE Trump you can do it almighty God all power is in your hands I believe it says ask and it should be done Matthew 21-22 verse
Thanks for listening people
GOD is sovereign, man is responsible. WE have the gov’t. that WE allow and deserve. Amerika is full of cowards with a 2nd amendment. A gun is useless to a coward. GOD hates cowards because they don’t trust Him. (fear man) (like during covid)
I heard Bill O’Reilly say A.O.C meant All Out Crazy. If he missed the mark, it was not by much.