Alina Habba: You can’t make this up



Get out and vote everyone…❤vote Trump/Vance ❤️❤️ ❤️ love you President Trump ❤❤

Thank God President Trump will be Americas President AGAIN!  
I’m with Trump, not the Tramp


  1. Air Brush does wonders for Cackles and she is always posed with the look of a visionary but if you put lipstick on a ‘ho you still have a ‘ho

  2. Alina Habba babba, the Real whore, is you Bitch Witch. Name calling from someone called Educated Elites of society is sick and Revolting. This kind of Language is only and should only be confined with the Losers of Society, the real 🗑 Trashy people, the Misfits, The Hillbillies, The Albinos Super white racists, Hitler followers, the Nazis the MAGAS MAGGOTS, THE VIRMINS. What a waste of Education on such a ho. Alina Habba Babba.

    • If it talks like a moron, it must be a moron. Keep proving it; you’ve already convinced us. BTW, your hero is the real whore as she slept her way through the ranks with her married lover boy, Willie Brown. It wasn’t even a secret and it still isn’t. She’s not even trying to deny it. The only ones that are racists are the ones that continually scream RACIST. Trump has done more for Israel than ANY of your heroes yet you call him a Hitler follower. It’s your socialist/communist heroes that are the Hitler worshipers. They’ve even admitted to being socialists, like Bernie Sanders, et al. Hitler was a socialist. You keep reading their playbook but it still ends the same. Everything you accuse the conservatives of is exactly what your heroes are and are doing. Open your eyes, the story is right in front of your Kool-Aid dazed mind.

  3. Dear Elias, there you go again! You are showing how dumb and vulnerable you are. Do some research, if you can, and read up on Harris. She was raised by her parents to believe in fascism. Her father is a
    professor on fascism. Her mother was a socialist. What do you think
    the kids are going to believe? Communistic thinking was served on
    a daily basis in the Harris household.


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