ABC host ripped for ‘shameful’ JD Vance interview



More I hear JD Vance more I like him ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Trump / Vance 2024 ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Absolutely right sir! Trump/Vance 2024


  1. Martha doesn’t care because her home isn’t being taken over. It’s someone else’s problem, not hers. But she’d scream “bloody murder” if her home was taken over. She’d DEMAND that the police intervene and arrest the bastards.

    • You look at her expression when she says “a few apartment buildings” like they’re not the homes of real people. I agree with you about her home being taken over. She lives in an alternate society where nothing bad happens to them because they’re immune from regular society’s problems. Give it awhile, this administration has sentenced our country to a horrible future if we re-elect Harris, et al. There’s no telling what is coming with the millions who have invaded our shores illegally.

  2. Martha is saying what she is told to say. Not what is the truth. When you finally stop listening to the liberal stations listening to their lies daily knowing full well their lying, i am surprised CNN MSNBC, ABC. The View and others and realize they get paid millions to lie to the American people. they are certainly the enemy of the American people. Some of the newspapers are worse like the NEWYORK TIMES. TURN THEM OFF AND HOPEFULLY THEY WILL SOON GO BROKE.

    • The MSM “news” hosts actually believe what their spreading – they’re part of the brainwashed. For those that were not brainwashed, they’re in it for the money and have no scruples. I haven’t stopped listening to the MSM hosts because I never started to begin with. I get the gist of their lies from the real news and forums like this. I’ve heard enough of their BS as is quoted by them to have formed an opinion without being influenced. I don’t really believe in censorship because that’ll always be biased. I hope that there are enough Americans that were never WOKE and enough of the WOKE that have awakened. They can decide what to watch/listen/read and the ratings of the WOKE news will continue to dwindle.

  3. The news media is not the news… they are propaganda outlets for the globalists and deep state pretending to be journalists with standards. How many times do they have to prove that fact before the dunder heads actually catch on?

  4. Martha is so representative of ALL the Lefties. Look at Barry, who has the nerve to lecture black men. Has ANYONE ever called him out? On what?? ON THIS!!! The fact that his black daddy booked it back to Kenya to his OTHER marriage after 3 years. HE was already married. His 100% white mother booked it back to her WHITE parents to help raise him. They lived in Seatle. So, Barry had a white upbringing, with white values and expectations, white food, white clothing… white based everything. . Why do you think he uses words like “shellac” “shenanigans” and other white terms, instead of the perfunctory “mother—–er” of the projects? He had a college education, never worried over food or shelter or drugs, unless he pretended to use weed, to look more black. So this PHONY , so called BLACK man, who is anything but, is out there shaking his crooked little finger at REAL black men who lived real black lives, in the hood, in the poor schools, in the crime…. WHAT BALLS this guy has…………… or not. He got his, and f the rest of ya’ll. Just do as I say, live as I did,( as if they actually could) not as your OWN experience dictates…

  5. WOW 😮
    This incredible interviewer Should ONLY be Ashamed of the fact that he Only made the mistake of telling us that VANCE was Really Bad and that he was Really Funny and Full of Love for the TRUMP Shit 💩 😢🤮😱✅


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