The Wokest National Anthem Ever!



As a Navy veteran I can’t tell you how disgusted I am by people who have never done ANYTHING except profit from this country…disrespect it.

As a combat veteran of iraq and afghanisan, i shed a tear watchin that despicable atrocity of our anthem.


  1. Why are they blaming us for what democrats did how many years ago?
    I don’t recall anyone I know was a slave or a slave owner but democrats. Yet democrats are are as usual using them for their own political agenda. Wake up people I told you already you are being used by democrats and you are ok with that I guess. Last I knew for decades now the only slave owners have been the democrats and the slaves are those who aloud it. Republicans freed slaves a long time ago with how many generations between us. Democrats bought and sold slaves then and now. Yet democrats are the ones inciting all the crap and no one cares it is them. Sorry but I can’t be bought and will never allow anyone to use me for their own gains. One day everyone will meet our gates to heaven and how many of these people will be allowed in? Freedom has been our way of life for generations. If you don’t like our way of doing things please by all means their are other countries that will allow you in theirs. We sing our national anthem not ruin it. We stand for our flag not kneel to please someone else. We only kneel for God. We need to take our country back and remove the haters and those who think they are above the laws. The government needs to go back working for we the people and uphold the constitution and rule of law. If you want to live in America then you are conforming to the American way, no and ifs or buts. Destroying our history is not an American thing. Two tier justice is not an American thing. Going after your opponent so your secrets won’t be known is not the American way. Traitors aren’t American. Selling out your country is not American. Profiting off we the people is not American. Using the government for your own personal use is not American. Using your government powers to hurt the American people is not American. Corrupt judicial system is not American. Going against American voters in an election isn’t American. Lying to we the people isn’t American. Murdering people isn’t American. Understand the American way now? One flag, one anthem, one nation. Now our White House has been muddied with drugs.


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