and truthfully, I just pray he is able to delete the Tax on Social Security, My wife retired this year after twenty years in the State university system,but not being taxed on SS will make the difference this year with short-changing on the cola coupled with record SMASHING inflation the last four years,…. this will make the difference in surviving or not,…. two retirees in one household Times may be tough,…. And at 70 I finally understand the old crude joke about seniors eating canned dog food and pretending it’s hash, wife better get used to game, including Pig!, I am not eating dog food, But pig is open season, and exotic deer Like Axis is non-regulated throw in a few ring neck doves, we might make it.
Jasmieeeeene might want to get out of her gated secured community, and drive a bit north west toward midland Or further south to Del Rio and see how the rest of us live, and calculate how much better life will be, without “We The People” supporting all of the world and our Government Ripping us off as well.
These people are out of their minds, completely insane, nutso fagin,
it is not even Tax season yet, the pause will be over by then.
and truthfully, I just pray he is able to delete the Tax on Social Security, My wife retired this year after twenty years in the State university system,but not being taxed on SS will make the difference this year with short-changing on the cola coupled with record SMASHING inflation the last four years,…. this will make the difference in surviving or not,…. two retirees in one household Times may be tough,…. And at 70 I finally understand the old crude joke about seniors eating canned dog food and pretending it’s hash, wife better get used to game, including Pig!, I am not eating dog food, But pig is open season, and exotic deer Like Axis is non-regulated throw in a few ring neck doves, we might make it.
Jasmieeeeene might want to get out of her gated secured community, and drive a bit north west toward midland Or further south to Del Rio and see how the rest of us live, and calculate how much better life will be, without “We The People” supporting all of the world and our Government Ripping us off as well.