Said it once, say it again, this dude needs serous dental work, but maybe he has a dentist who works from home. He even lisps. Just one more low IQ, muscle-bound rodeo stock has -been, who dodged the slaughterhouse due to being very lucky. He brings nothing to us that ten million better, more qualified talking heads can bring. He just checks all the boxes. Got his flat toe in the door and now has fooled folks to believe that he is “special” He is not. He is gross, a DEI token.
Said it once, say it again, this dude needs serous dental work, but maybe he has a dentist who works from home. He even lisps. Just one more low IQ, muscle-bound rodeo stock has -been, who dodged the slaughterhouse due to being very lucky. He brings nothing to us that ten million better, more qualified talking heads can bring. He just checks all the boxes. Got his flat toe in the door and now has fooled folks to believe that he is “special” He is not. He is gross, a DEI token.
Did u get that Strahan? lol