Lockdowns made my mother a prisoner in an assisted living facility where she was neglected and her dementia progressed immensely from lack of social interactions. She never really understood what the virus was, she just knew that we stopped visiting. Facetime does not make that better, especially when she didn’t quite get how to use it, so we spent a lot of time looking at the inside of her ear. They had a “prison room” where we could stand outside and look at her through a window and use a phone to talk to her, but she understandably didn’t want to do this. She never had the virus, but she certainly suffered because of it.
The worst part to me was that people had their choices taken away. If I’m 80 & there’s a slight chance I might die from a disease, but the alternative is sit in my home alone until I die from old age, I choose to take my chances.
Maybe the home grown deranged terrorists who find it necessary destroy other peoples property need to learn a lesson quickly . . . and I believe the new prison system in El Salvador might just be the ticket. Just think of it . . . . within 20 years they just might learn the lesson and then realize that they might just want to stay in Central America where there is plenty of terrorism to go around and we do not want them back.
Semper Fi