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Facts Create Chaos – Douglas Murray: UK Riots, Mass Migration, Israel, & The Fall of The West

Facts Create Chaos – Douglas Murray: UK Riots, Mass Migration, Israel, & The Fall of The West



About halfway through Douglas started thinking about firing the agent who booked this appearance

I live in Portugal, in a city an hour from Lisbon. My son is about to enter elementary school, in a group of 15 students, he will be the only Portuguese in the class. With the arrival of so many migrants, containers have been rented out as classrooms. There is not enough response in terms of education, healthcare and housing. These are facts. We are being invaded by people without providing living conditions for those who have always served the country. Socialist and left-wing policies have blown up the Western world. There’s no turning back. Trump’s election would be a mere hope for the Western world. Why do left-wing parties have an interest in dividing people and taking away people’s conditions? Do they want more poor people? Do they want more state? More insecurity? I think that deep down they just want to perpetuate themselves in power. Sad reality. I feel like a foreigner in my own country. Sorry about my english but I’m really worried about my son’s future. Still, I wanted to say that podcasts like yours give me some hope and there are more people who can see reality as it is, with facts. I know you’ll never read this, but I hope one day i can to talk to you PBD. Big fan.

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