The Bible IS; Scientifically accurate; Accurately predicts the future, for instance the fall and desolation of Babylon which was, at the time of the prophecy, the largest most powerful city on earth; Answers life’s BIG questions such as What is the meaning of life? Why is there so much evil & suffering in the world? What happens to us when we die? How does the Bible answer such BIG questions? The Divine Author and you; The Bible tells us God’s Name, nature and marvelous qualities. God’s purpose for man. How you can develop a relationship with God. Would you like to learn more? Why not request a FREE home Bible study? Email me at [email protected] and I will arrange that home Bible study for you.
The Bible IS; Scientifically accurate; Accurately predicts the future, for instance the fall and desolation of Babylon which was, at the time of the prophecy, the largest most powerful city on earth; Answers life’s BIG questions such as What is the meaning of life? Why is there so much evil & suffering in the world? What happens to us when we die? How does the Bible answer such BIG questions? The Divine Author and you; The Bible tells us God’s Name, nature and marvelous qualities. God’s purpose for man. How you can develop a relationship with God. Would you like to learn more? Why not request a FREE home Bible study? Email me at [email protected] and I will arrange that home Bible study for you.