ALL Family Dollar Locations May Close PERMANENTLY For THIS Reason…



It’s almost like someone’s in the background doing the most to affect Americans in the worst ways

If I was Family Dollar I would close the bad performing stores and prop up the profitable ones. Get rid of the current management.


  1. I just can’t stop laughing at the idiots who still vote for the liberals year after and believe all their lying BULLSHIT that they care for the average American all while screwing them daily for higher and higher taxes, playing them for fools, mismanageing every place thay run and everything else etc. That said I’ve noticed there’s a similarity between King Midas of ancient Greek Mythology and the liberals. With King Midas, every thing he touched turned to gold, a good thing in some ways but the similarity ends there. With the liberals everything they touch or have a hand in turns to SHIT and if you don’t believe this, take a look and smell at the former golden state of California now only golden in the piss and SHIT littering and stinking up the streets of Los Angeles, Oakland, San Jose and not to forget San Francisco, the ‘new doo-doo’ capital of the USA ( I’ll leave this to your imagination but sadly it fits) the former jewel of the golden state that some neighborhoods are biohazards. And the unbelievable thing, the residents here tolerate this BS. Really the decision to get rid of these worthless do nothing liberal or progressive or whatever these clowns are calling themselves to sound benign yet playing the residents for fools and treating them like walking ATM’s for the highest taxes and costs of living of any of the 50 states all while the quality of life hits the CRAPPER isn’t rocket science, take the genius of Einstein or a grad degree from Stanford, UCLA or MIT, it is plain old common sense and from the looks and smells of things, is sorely needed here. Evidently people here in California ( and everyplace run by these worthless liberal clowns) are slow learners or have high thresholds for pain but in the long run, their stupidity ruins life for the thinking and sane among us.


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