I am Métis and while this country has not been kind to my ancestors or family, I have never been so patriotic in my lifetime. Whether or not you identify as Canadian first, if you are on this soil, we are family. Stay strong Canada
As an American, seeing people from other countries offering Canada their support is heartwarming. Stand your ground, Canada! There are Americans who support you!!
So Carney went to meet with a couple of highly unpopular a-holes – Macron and Starmer. Duh.
Good, they need us more than we need them…. Parasites.. Trump is referring to the ECONOMIC relationship between US / Canada.. If neither country has tariffs, then it would be LIKE a state-to-state relationship/ economy, and both would do much better. Prices would come down. They have had a wake up call. Maybe they need to rethink
Correct. They need us more than we need them. Same applies to Mexico.
I was born in a “British Island territory” in the Caribbean sea, and while there were several elementary schools in my village, e.g. Catholic schools, Anglican schools,Government schools, Moslem schools, Hindu schools, Open Bible schools, Vedic schools, Pentecostal schools, etc., etc. my parents sent me to a Canadian Mission school,aka CM school {now known as Presbyterian school}. So I will be forever grateful to my Canadian teachers who molded me, and taught me the basics of good etiquette, from my tender age of 4 too 11years of age Fast forward in the year 1970, Imam Yasim Abu Bakr, an Islamic clergyman tried to overthrow the elected government, so I migrated legally to the US, and I have lived here in the US since then too now. The US has been very kind to me and I worked at a 20,000 employee medical facility in New England for most of that time. However, the recent hatred that I have seen most Canadians been leveling against us Americans, is extremely troubling, and they all better wake-up very quickly. We Americans have had your back military & otherwise for centuries, you all (Canadians) who have been penalizing our US farmers for decades, by leveling extremely heavy tariffs on us. It’s appalling to see your elected leaders condemning the United States, and encouraging Canadians to booing & insulting the US national anthem. Wake=up Canadians !!! Europe will not help you all if a disaster ever strike.
Thank you. Well said.
R M Singh; Mexico hates us too. Mexico would be a lot poorer if we hadn’t moved manufacturing plants to Mexico. Our plants are providing jobs for Mexican workers, and they hate us. Go figure.
We have been holding Canada up for decades. We supply their military. WE protect them. They can not even protect the border we share. Time for Canada to protect itself and we will protect our own borders. Use the tariffs to get paid back for all the protection we gave to them for free. $35 million per year we have given them since 2001. Cut them off.