Oh, darn the high an mighty has picked up a spur and now the high is starting to dive into that downward spiral spin heading back down to earth. I hoped you enjoyed your highest peak, because it’s time to crash and burn. 🤣
Piss on the Obummers. What scares me is, Barry’s bitch possibly running for el presidente. She could actually win. BTW, Obummercare was of no benefit to me whatsoever.
Who cares about these two race=baiting, white hating, American hating, pathetic, anti=American phonies, fake pres, that started the destruction of America, and has continued ever since. If they fall off the cliff with their house, I’m not going cry a lot. They robbed this country, to become as rich as they are, a dummy would know that, pathetic greedy people.
Oh, darn the high an mighty has picked up a spur and now the high is starting to dive into that downward spiral spin heading back down to earth. I hoped you enjoyed your highest peak, because it’s time to crash and burn. 🤣
Hey Benny, you need to slow down with your speaking, just saying.
One might ask how a public servant accumulated such extraordinary wealth on rather nominal pay. Too bad no one dares to ask.
He was getting a big check because of the use of his name in “ Obamacare” which he created. Talk about robbery of the American people.
Piss on the Obummers. What scares me is, Barry’s bitch possibly running for el presidente. She could actually win. BTW, Obummercare was of no benefit to me whatsoever.
Who cares about these two race=baiting, white hating, American hating, pathetic, anti=American phonies, fake pres, that started the destruction of America, and has continued ever since. If they fall off the cliff with their house, I’m not going cry a lot. They robbed this country, to become as rich as they are, a dummy would know that, pathetic greedy people.