DA’s and Judges that are against democracy, must be fired. the injustices still continue due to the corruption at the courts and those activist judges that does not believe in justice but their party. that it is sickening. but there is something more appalling, our schools, we are way behind all these countries including China that our students can’t even read at 8th grade, much less algebra. we are so behind that it is impossible to get these young kids to have a good job, corruption is destroying our country, the lack of congress actions speaks volume, no wonder we can get the right people at the tower control, we have a bunch of stupid’s people applying for a very demanding job. democrats only care about their pockets, to hell with education and the country
DA’s and Judges that are against democracy, must be fired. the injustices still continue due to the corruption at the courts and those activist judges that does not believe in justice but their party. that it is sickening. but there is something more appalling, our schools, we are way behind all these countries including China that our students can’t even read at 8th grade, much less algebra. we are so behind that it is impossible to get these young kids to have a good job, corruption is destroying our country, the lack of congress actions speaks volume, no wonder we can get the right people at the tower control, we have a bunch of stupid’s people applying for a very demanding job. democrats only care about their pockets, to hell with education and the country