Internet users notice VERY PECULIAR body language during Zelensky meeting…



Hunter had the same “body language.”

Can’t control his body properly due to substance abuse.


  1. Sleazeensky is not leadership material and should be ousted for a mature thoughtful reasonable adult human!! But then it seems that most of the nations are “led” by immature childish fools these days!!!

  2. Zelensky thought he was still dealing with dopey Joe. He had his arms folded across his chest and rolled his eyes at President Trump. This is sheer disrespect. President Trump was correct to show him the door. Ukraine is not our problem. We have no obligation. Steve Bannon is correct when he says, “Walk the f**k away”. Let Europe fund the war.

  3. Body language indicates “coke head, annoyed and needed another hunter biden’s fix and then throwing a hissie fit. Looking totally immature. AKA LOSER!

  4. WHY DOES EVERYONE FORGET that its putin who is attacking? You want the war to end? It can end in one hour, if putin stops attacking Ukraine! And have some considerations that English is not Zelensky’s language. It shows a lot of arrogance on the part of the US, when people demean another like has been done. When did we stop supporting democracies and align with dictators? It seems that time is now.You say the US has no obligation to help Ukraine? Then you forget about the Budapest Memorandum. it’s obvious that Ukraine made a big mistake getting rid of their 2000-3000 nuclear weapons, which was done at the strong behest of the US (along with Russia and GB). Please get facts straight and then you might have your conclusion also straight. Don’t tell lies, just because the truth is not convenient.

    • I don’t think Zelensky’s having nuclear weapons at his disposal would help anyone. The biggest problem is that he can’t account for the huge amounts of money and weapons he had already been given. It’s very coincidental that he is buying multimillion dollar homes and other lifestyle upgrades since receiving these funds.

  5. Not to mention that there was a 20 min pre meeting w/everyone in the room during televised meeting & Z the thug never mentiond one single complaint. This was a total attempt to set up, shake down Trump & admin while appealing to the American people to shame our country into succumb like Biden did to the tune of over $700 billion!!! Good for our Pres & VP shutting Z down!!!! And now Z has come crawling back. But, the dems dont want this to happen – wonder why!!

  6. remember z said the war started in 2013/14 and obama president and joe vp, and eight years, hunter in ukraine job, so the coke was flowing great for z,then old joe president and coke flowing with billions of US tax dollars and now no hunter no coke,
    z loves the money, the attention, and the title president, and he will NOT end the war for ever time he gets weapons he will shot one or two into russia just to keep it going, z is poking the bear,
    just NO MONEY NO WEAPONS, p will take care of it simply and easy,

  7. Jorge, you’re right about one thing. Ukraine shouldn’t have gotten rid of their nukes at Obummer’s behest. Had they not done that, they wouldn’t have been invaded. We have NO OBLIGATION to go to war with Russia over Ukraine. Ukraine is NOT a member of NATO.


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