Really, cnn how many gays, fags, queers can they find to destroy the news. anderson cooper and don lemon were the worst of the worst. They are true terrorist. accosta should of been in jail
CNN is Democrap propaganda. One of my neighbors (whom I’m no longer on speaking terms with) laps it up like honey, then votes Democrap straight across. You can’t teach stupid if stupid wants to remain stupid.
I haven’t watched CNN since 2001. It was fake news way back then.
Really, cnn how many gays, fags, queers can they find to destroy the news. anderson cooper and don lemon were the worst of the worst. They are true terrorist. accosta should of been in jail
I exercised my freedom of Speech, those don’t like my post, I don’t care. Trans, what in the world is wrong with you folks.
All you “woke” go back to sleep
Fixing their problem is really simple. All they have to do is tell the facts without their opinion of it.
CNN is Democrap propaganda. One of my neighbors (whom I’m no longer on speaking terms with) laps it up like honey, then votes Democrap straight across. You can’t teach stupid if stupid wants to remain stupid.