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Why isn’t Abortion murder. But if a pregnant woman gets murdered it’s a double homicide???
Fuck Trump, and the bullshit he rolled in on.
How in the world will let all Kelly go to jail Jeffrey Epstein went to jail, and 100 other people went to jail for rape and some fashion. What the fuck is happening in this country with black poor people love a billionaire rich, white person unbelievable.
Probably abortion is not murder because the fetus shares the energetics from the soul of the mother with the fetus as 2 souls cannot occupy the same space. The First Breath of Life taken when born is when the soul enters the body of the baby.In the Creation story, God Breathed life into Adam., and this is actually why mothers are more psychically connected to their children than fathers.
Abortionists burn down churches and don’t get punished. Chalk up one for the right side.
The host is 100% correct in explaining how to help women looking for a solution. I agree that abortion is not the answer and I also agree that breaking the law(s) to prevent any person from receiving medical treatment is sooooo wrong!