Democrats & Feds SABOTAGE Trump As Biden Inflation Report SHOWS HUGE WARNING Before Inauguration!



Be prepared for every single democrat to instantly start talking about how horrible the economy is the moment Trump’s in.

I will never consider a democrat as anything but an active traitor.


    • I believe, and have for several months that this was, and IS Sabotage, that too many things started looking a little TOO Rosy (According to MSM and Demontrash ) at the beginning of Kamala’s Campaign,…. and this is based Upon Pocketbook Calculation,…. Gasoline is UP Again, LPG Is UP Again, Groceries are Up Again, And in Two Days Trump will be in Office Again,…. playing “Cho Bai Dungs” Rigged Game And Trying To Catch up !

      I do Still Believe we will be better off Under Trump , Than Under Commissar Cho Bai Dung,…. And Most Certainly better off Under Trump Than we would have been under That SLACKER, Kamalhoe.

      But Then Again I have Only been paying My Own bills and caring for my own Family for Over fifty years, without a Single Hand-out from Uncle Sugar,…. and have watched Joe And Kamalhoe Since the end of the Vietnam war When I Started My family, and I’ll be 70 real quick,…. Been Retired for a while,…. and been Noticing the large difference Timewise, between how far Between how far the money went Back when I retired, and How much time there is between the last cheque and the End of the month NOW,…. and the I used to get the wife a nice dinner one a month, before Bai dung,…. and now some months I have to put a Few Things On my credit card which used to be just for Road or Medical Emergencies,….

  1. The left are the most dishonest political party and will stop at nothing to ruin Trump for many years. The party is the most corrupt than ever before. However, Trump is aware of every illegal thing the left does and keeps doing.


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